Chapter Twenty-nine

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Reborn: The Boy Who Discovered He Wasn't

by SabrynaBrooklynne

Chapter 29


Later in the afternoon, after returning home from their first visit to the psychologist, James sat at his computer with a headset on, playing his online game. He was just about to level up when his mom walked into the room.

"Can I talk to you for a moment Jessi?"

James, unaware that his mom had spoken, continued to play his game. Carol called out to him, louder this time, "Jessica!"

Still no response. Carol walked over and removed the headphone from James's left ear.

"I need to talk to you, can I have a few minutes of your obviously busy schedule?"

"Can you give me about two more minutes, mom? This match will be over and I will have finally made Major General."

"I don't see what you get out of such a violent, macho video game," Carol answered, shaking her head, "but yeah sure, go ahead," she paused for a moment and then continued to talk. "Are you about ready to go eat?"

With the one headphone still off his ear, James heard what his mom had asked but was so close to ranking up, so focused on the game that he still didn't answer.

"Hello? Earth to Jessica. Did you hear anything I just said?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry, mom. For dinner. . . Well, do we really have to go to Plant?"

"A deal is a deal. You know if you had won, you would've expected me to take you where you wanted to go."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, mom."

"I know I am. Come see me when your game is done."

"K, mom."

Carol headed to the bedroom to change, fix her hair, and touch-up her makeup while James continued to focus on his game, oblivious to his mother leaving the room.

"So, what is it you want to talk to me about, mom?"

There was no response. After a few moments, when James got to a point he could look away from the screen, he glanced up and saw that his mom was no longer in the room.

"That's nice. I'm talking to you and you aren't even here," he said aloud, knowing his mom wasn't hearing him.

Turning back to the screen, he looked just in time to see that one of his teammates had made it, undetected, to the objective and had placed C-4 explosives inside a building filled with enemy weapons and ammunition. He knew the resulting explosion would mean his team had won the match and he would receive the rank he had been working so hard for.

Over his headset, he congratulated the team and told them, "This'll be my last match guys. I've got real world things to take care of. Same time tomorrow?"

Once the rest of the team agreed and told him goodbye, he shut down his computer and took off the headset. Wondering where his mom had gone and curious as to what she wanted to talk about, James ventured into the kitchen.

Not finding his mom there he headed to his mom's room. "Mom, you in there?"

"I'm right here honey. Come in."

James entered his mom's bedroom to find his mom placing in her ears, the small pair of sterling silver hoops that James had bought her last Mothers Day.

He walked over to his mom, looked at her in the mirror and remarked, "You know mom, every time you wear those I just have to tell you how beautiful you look." He paused, "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

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