Chapter Twenty-five

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Reborn: The Boy Who Discovered He Wasn't

by SabrynaBrooklynne

Chapter 25


Entering the front door of the doctor's office, James noticed that this wasn't like any other doctor's office he had ever been in, nor did it look like anything he thought it would.

The waiting room didn't look like a waiting room at all, but more like an inviting, comfortable, well-furnished living room from someone's home, only bigger. The couches were large and overstuffed and cried out comfort. A huge, curved, ultra-high definition flatscreen television was mounted over a massive stone fireplace on one end of the room. An enormous ornate oriental rug covered a portion of the dark walnut hardwood floor.

At the other end of the room, a receptionist sat behind a gorgeous mahogany table desk. As James checked her out he decided this receptionist had to be the most perfect female he had ever laid eyes on; a beautiful leggy, young blonde with piercing blue eyes, ample cleavage, and a supermodel body.

Carol closed the door behind them and the receptionist looked up, smiling. "Hi, you must be Carol. Come on in."

The receptionist stood up and walked towards them. "Please, have a seat. Dr. Camibal will be with you momentarily."

She made her way across the room, her attention focused on James. James's attention was focused on the mid-thigh length business dress she had on and the length of her legs, all the way down to her very sexy high heels.

"And that would make you, Jessica," she inquired, looking James over from head to toe.

"Yes I am," James replied, startled from his trance.

He nervously returned the stunningly beautiful girl's handshake. 

The receptionist had a tablet in her other hand that she handed James.

"While you wait for the doctor, there are a couple forms and a questionnaire I need you to fill out. Just use this stylus to write on the screen. When you're done bring the tablet back to me."

James took the tablet, thanked the girl, then took a seat on the couch next to her mom. James was mesmerized by this girl's beauty and he looked back to steal another glance at the receptionist's backside, returning to her desk.

What James noticed was how the girl's flowing, blonde curls bounced and her hips swayed as she walked away, in what had to be the sexiest pair of heels he had ever laid eyes on. He also noticed that her black hose had a thick seam running all the way up the back of each leg.

The sight of this angelic beauty walking away from him, caused James to suddenly feel his body temperature rise and pulse increase. He also noticed something else happening, something that had only happened a couple times before in response to the sight of a girl.

What he felt was a warmth, a stirring, a stiffening growth. Small but still a growth, in his stretchy spandex panties.

Was his body reacting to this girl attractiveness in the same way any other normal young male would? Of course it was.

James sat staring wide-eyed, towards the TV on the wall. He was not even seeing what was on the TV as thoughts raced through his head.

As much as James had tried to convince his mom that he truly hadn't actually made a decision about which way he wanted his future to go, he knew he was starting to get quite comfortable in the role of a girl and there were those new thoughts he had been having, but this, this made him question the direction he knew he was leaning.

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