( christmas )

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Chapter 34

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  The Christmas holidays came around, even though my family back in Bulgaria offered me to join them during the holidays I decided I had to show my face to the people that used to be a big part of me and my father's life.

  Molly had already sent me several letters during my time at Hogwarts, inviting me to stay with them, wanting me to feel at home, like they were my family.

  The burrows were beautiful, their house was surrounded by nature's beauty.

  But I found it difficult to be around them, to try and engage into conversations. It wasn't the same without my father but I truly wanted to give it a try, I wanted to try and be a part of them like my father would've wanted. It was hard when everything about them reminded me of him.

  "It's funny, you're so much like him it sometimes doesn't even feel like he's gone."

  My head was turned at the sound of Remus his voice. He smiled underneath his thick busy mustache and sat down next to me on the steps in front of the house. I could instantly feel his warmth next to me.

  "I wish I was more like him."

  "You have much more in common with him than you think. You have your father's fierceness, you fight for what's right. You're brave, intelligent and you possess certain gifts that others could only wish for."

  "Thank you, Remus. I miss him."

  "As do I, but it makes it much more bearable when you are here with us."

  I smiled at him, a genuine smile which were rare for me. Remus had one of the kindest hearts. He had known my father for years and I knew how much he had meant for him. My heart ached knowing how much he probably missed him.

  We went inside together, joining everyone else. I still didn't know how to act around most of them as I hadn't spoken to them for so long, I tried my best. Especially when Ron was around, I was afraid to talk to him, afraid of what he might say, afraid of what he thought of me.

  It was getting late, one by one people starting getting ready for bed. Remus and Tonks were saying their goodbyes. Remus wasn't feeling to well because there was soon to be a full moon, I could see it in his eyes.

  So I made my way upstairs, deciding it was probably time to get some sleep myself. Whilst admiring the wooden house of the Weasleys I almost didn't realise someone was calling my name. Halfway on the stairs I stopped, my heart skipping a beat at the sound of his voice saying my name.

  I turned around and rather unexpected found him just two steps lower than me, my eyes directly looking into his. His eyes seemed to be an even deeper blue colour than last time I looked into them, maybe because it had been months since I had seen them from so close.

  "Nev, can we talk?"

  "I—" my voice broke halfway, internally facepalming myself I cleared my throat and fiddled with the hem of my shirt nervously.

  "Yes. We should talk."

  He signed me to sit on the stairs, so I did. He sat next to me, making me feel so small but it wasn't uncomfortable. Ron could never make me feel uncomfortable.

  "I know I haven't been the best bo— friend to you lately and I want to apologise for that. You were going through—"

  "Ron, you really shouldn't apologise. If anyone should be the one to apologise it should be me." I answered.

  "No, you were dealing with something that must have been so hard on you and I didn't help. You needed time and all I did was push you to try and talk to me."

  "I did want to talk to you, I was scared that if I did I would end up losing everything again. I know how selfish that sounds.."

  "It's not selfish, you're everything but that."

  "I just—" I stopped, looking at how Ron's hand was now holding mine. I almost hadn't realized it because of how right it felt. I had never been more certain about anything in life. I needed to hold on to that, I needed to hold on to him even if it meant getting my heart broken all over again in the future. It would be worth it.

  I looked up, his eyes already searching for my attention. He leaned forwards. Everything about him made me forget the world around us, well, almost.

  Suddenly some commotion outside broke the tension and took our attention.

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