( caught )

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Chapter 17

  Snow no longer covered the ground, although the air was thick and filled with an unknown danger, spring was making itself known.

After the absolutely amazing holidays Nevaeh was back at Hogwarts, ready for the upcoming semesters. She walked hand in hand with Ron, talking about how she was looking forwards to the DA meetings when suddenly Hermione came running up to them.

  "Ron! Hagrid's back!" Hermione called excitedly. Ron's eyes went wide and he pulled Nevaeh with him. "Who's Hagrid again?" she asked but Ron merely smirked at her instead of giving a real answer. Harry was informed on Hagrid's return and the four then ran down the hills. A small cabin was seen at the end of the hill, at the edge of the forbidden forest.

  But they didn't enter because toad face seemed to have the exact same idea. Nevaeh couldn't hear a word of what she was saying but it didn't exactly sound very kind. Instead of listening Nevaeh was amazed by the nearly nine feet tall giant standing inside the cabin, nearly reaching the ceiling. He owned a head full of big bushy hair and a long beard. But under all that appeared a kind face with chubby cheeks.

  Once again Ron pulled his girlfriend with him when Umbridge left the cabin. They barged into Hagrid's cabinet and greeted him with much excitement. Nevaeh on the other hand felt a bit out of place until Hagrid's eyes fell on the brunette herself. He outstretched his enormous hands and gently shook hers.

  "Aha, yeh must be Nevaeh, yeh look a lot like yer father! The name's Hagrid, gamekeeper of Hogwarts' grounds. Dumbledore told me yeh have taken care of Fang."

  Nevaeh timid look washed away and a big smile appeared as she said "Yes, Fang and I are best buddies." the big black dog stepped into view and whisked his tail whilst licking the girl's arm. Professor Grubbly-plank had taught her magical care of creatures and Nevaeh had volunteered to take care of any of them if needed. So, the teacher came with the brilliant idea of giving her the responsibility of taking care of the innocent dog. It wasn't a difficult and time consuming job since he slept the biggest part of the day.

  She then sat down besides Ron, holding hands from underneath the table. It was a small gesture that made both of them feel at ease. After they were all seated with a cup of tea at the high table, Hagrid sat on a big chair.

  "Hagrid, where have you been?" Harry asked, breaking the silence.

  "This is top secret, 'right. Dumbledore had sent me to parlay with the giants."

  "Giants? You found them?"

  "Well, they're not hard to find to be perfectly honest, they're so big, you see. Trying to convince them to join the cause but I wasn't the only one who was trying to win them over."

  "Death eaters?" Ron asked, earning everyone's attention.

  "Yes, trynna persuade them into joining you-know-who. I gave them Dumbledore's message, suppose some of them remember he was friendly to them I suppose."

  "They did this to your face?" Nevaeh asked, breaking her silence. Hagrid held a cold piece of meat against the cuts on his forehead.

  "Not exactly, no." Hagrid's words were nearly muted by the thunderstorm forming outside. The cold wind was howling and the sky was turning darker.

  "It's changing out there, just like last time. There's a storm coming, Harry, we all best be ready when she does."

Nevaeh shifted in her seat, anxious for whatever was coming. Voldemort was gaining more power every day and it would only be so long until the world would hit its breaking point.

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