( fire )

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Chapter 35

"I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!"

The small brunette clenched her wand in between her fingers. She ran fast through the tall grass. If it weren't because of the lack of sleep, Nevaeh would have been running even faster.

A loud cackle erupted from somewhere not far away from Nevaeh. She stood still trying to locate Bellatrix's voice, if only she could see better or use a spell to find her.

"Harry, Nevaeh, are you coming to get me?"

Memories flashed through her mind. She could only see the green light taking her father away like a knife stabbing her chest.

In her eyes Bellatrix deserved nothing but the same fate. Nevaeh wanted her to feel everything she had felt in that moment. She wanted her to be in pain.

Her feet touched water as she moved slowly. For a moment she couldn't hear anything but the wind howling through the grass.

Nevaeh breathed heavily, her heart beating fast. She kept turning around, hoping to see her face, to look right into her eyes. She knew exactly what to say when she would see her, she had practiced it for months. She knew the movement that needed to be made by heart. It was only a matter of opportunity now.


She could hear people calling out for her but tried her best to ignore it. Suddenly streaks of light erupted not far from her.

She forced her legs to run and within seconds stood besides Harry, Remus and Tonks. They shared a look until suddenly flames erupted. The house of the Weasley's was on fire.

She caught black figures disappearing into the sky whilst running towards the fire. She knew Bellatrix was one of them, she was gone and so was her chance of revenge.

When she saw Ron's blue watery eyes she forgot about all the anger inside of her at once. He was looking at her, completely ignoring the house burning to the ground.

She didn't hesitate one more second but ran into his arms. She pressed her face into the warmth of his chest. She felt relieve as did he.

She felt the safety she had missed for so long. The feeling of safety that had been taken away from her had now been brought back to her. He had given it to her.

Ron squeezed her tightly, pressing his face into her hair.

"I love you, Nev."

Nevaeh looked up into his eyes. Everything around her had faded away as all she needed was right in front of her.

"I love you too, Ron."


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