( Malfoy )

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  Chapter 5

  After spending two weeks at Grimmauld's place it was time to attend Hogwarts. Nevaeh was thrilled to see the school with her own eyes after hearing all the adventurous stories Ron had told her. The golden trio had a way of getting into trouble which was the reasons behind their many adventures. Their close friendship was something Nevaeh truly admired. They went through so many things together and always remained close friends.

  Nevaeh strolled down the platform with Harry and discussed the strategies of a seeker when suddenly a big black dog passed by. It was barking and it took a few seconds for Nevaeh to realize who it was.

  "Sirius—" Harry whispered and fastened his pace, following the dog. Nevaeh followed his steps and found herself walking into one of the seating areas. It was closed off and deserted besides her, Harry and her father.

  "Sirius, what are you doing here? If someone sees you—" Harry's worried voice echoed. Sirius shook his head "I had to see you two off, didn't I?"

  Both Harry and Nevaeh smiled at the brunet man and sat down with him on one of the benches. "What's life without a little risk?" Sirius smirked.

  "I don't wanna see you get chucked back in Azkaban." Harry muttered.

  Sirius quickly replied saying "Don't worry about me. Anyway, I wanted you to have this."

  He pulled an old looking photo from underneath his jacket. Within the picture you could see several people posing for the camera. Kindness beamed from their eyes. Besides Sirius, Alaster Moody, Remus and Dumbledore, Nevaeh didn't recognize any of them.

  "Original Order of the Phoenix. Marlene McKinnon, she was killed two weeks after this was taken. Voldemort wiped out her entire family." He pointed at a woman in the right corner. How could someone become so cruel, someone like Voldemort, Nevaeh couldn't understand what made him to the monster he was.

  "Frank and Alice Longbottom."

  "Neville's parents." Harry added in a sad tone. It was a couple standing besides Marlene McKinnon. They were smiling at one another but Nevaeh expected to hear the worst.

  "They suffered a fate worse than death, you ask me. It's been fourteen years and still a day doesn't go by I don't miss your dad."

  Sirius was pointing at the couple standing next to himself in the picture. The man had short brown hair and wore a pair of circular spectacles, similar to Harry's. The woman next to him had long firing red hair and a pair of kind green eyes. It then hit Nevaeh that she was looking at Harry's parents. It stung knowing Harry never got to know them.

  "Do you really think there's going to be a war, Sirius?" Harry asked.

  Sirius sighed and answered "It feels like it did before. Anyway, I suppose you're the young ones now."

  Nevaeh smiled at her father and Harry as they hugged and told their goodbyes. Harry left the room and waited outside for the brunette girl.

  "I've been wanting to give you something, Nevaeh. It's not much but I wanted you to have it now." he gave her a small squared picture. Her eyes widened when she looked at her parents, standing hand in hand. They were looking so happy as if they were on cloud nine.

Without saying anything else she hugged her father tightly and inhaled his welcoming scent. She was going to miss her dad and he was going to miss her even more. But luckily it was just for the time being. Soon enough they'd be seeing each other again.

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