( snake )

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Chapter 36

The holidays had passed by quite rapidly.
Nevaeh had spent her holidays talking to Ron, it wasn't easy letting her feelings back in again but she felt it was worth the risk. Hermione and Harry purposely spent time away from Ron and Nevaeh, knowing they needed to figure some things out on their own.

Somedays it was harder than others to let people in her life again but she kept trying to knowing it was her parents wish.

Ron shared how difficult it had been for him and how much he had missed her presence. Even though it was hard for Nevaeh to open up about her grief she tried telling him about how the first few weeks were for her after her father died. They talked for days, even nights were spent talking until they fell asleep together holding hands.

It scared Nevaeh how fast everything was going but she knew she had to let him back in her life.

She enjoyed talking to Remus as well. She realized how much he and her father were alike. She found comfort in his presence. She loved listening to his stories and she loved hearing him speak about her father. It was no surprise to her to hear about all the trouble her father had gotten himself into when he was younger. It actually reminded her of herself a lot.

Things were going into the right direction. Nevaeh was excited to be back to Hogwarts. She had missed taking care of fang, speaking to Hagrid, exploring the enormous library, talking to ghosts every once in a while and just enjoying the mystery of the castle itself. On another note, she finally decided it was time to meet up with her best friend again, she hadn't heard from Lucy in months.

She was walking into the courtyard, carrying some books she had just gotten from the library when she caught a glimpse of Lucy.

She squinted her eyes when the sun shun a bit too bright into her eyes. Losing her balance caused by the heavy books, she fell onto her knees making the books scatter across the stone floor.

"Flesh-Eating Trees of the World, sounds fun."

Nevaeh smiled looking up at Lucy grabbing one of her fallen books. Nevaeh sighed saying "How do they expect us to read all these books before the exams?"

"I think you'll manage or have you lost your passion for reading?"

Nevaeh shook her head and grinned. Lucy handed Nevaeh her books and tugged a piece of her black hair behind her ears.

"How have you been?" Nevaeh asked.

Lucy shrugged saying "Meh, it's been boring. Dean's been putting me on edge lately."

"Dean?" Nevaeh's eyes widened.

"So, I kind of have a boyfriend."

"A boyfriend?" Nevaeh jumped in excitement, dropping all her books once again. They laughed and hugged excitingly.

They talked the entire afternoon, Nevaeh completely forgot about all the studying she had planned to do but it was worth it. It wasn't until the sun had started to set that they parted ways.

The golden trio was nowhere to be found so Nevaeh decided to make it an early night. She got into bed and almost immediately fell asleep, satisfied with the day's events.

"You. I've been looking for you."

Nevaeh could barely see anything, it was almost pitch black around her.

She could only hear something. It sounded like a snake, hissing. The sound came from below her, slowly moving around her.

"It's only a matter of time."

"Who's there?" Nevaeh called out, sweating. Her legs were frozen, her feet stuck to the ground. She couldn't move.

"It won't be long."

"Who are you?" She cried. Her legs trembled.

She could hear the sound of a snake slithering across the floor below her. But she couldn't see anything.

"I can see you."

Her heart was beating unbelievably fast. Her breathing was loud. It was silent until suddenly a scream erupted and a streak of green light appeared in front of her.


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