I. ( mixed feelings )

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Chapter 1

  She apparated into the faintly lit hallway with the old wizard on her side. Albus Dumbledore, whom owned a beard of approximately one meter long and grey robes that matched the colour of his hair. His bright blue eyes sparkled whilst her hazel eyes were now emotionless and tired looking with evident black circles underneath them.

  She clutched her arms to her chest and blankly stared at the closed door on the other side of the hallway. She could hear chattering coming from inside. She really wasn't in the mood to meet new people, to be more specific, she wasn't in the mood to meet her father for the first time.

  Dumbledore's lips creased into a smile as he watched the short brunette from underneath his half moon shaped spectacles. To be polite the girl returned a faint smile and followed the old man towards the door.

  Incredulous how just three weeks ago she had no knowledge of her father's existence. It wasn't until her mother died that she found about him. All her life nobody spoke of him, he was a disgrace to the family. Yet, after all this time she was coming face to face with the man. After all, he was all the family she had left.

  Dumbledore pushed the wooden door open with a loud squeak and a dozen eyes turned towards the intruders. Their jaws dropped as the small brunette stepped into the light. But she couldn't bring herself to look up, her eyes felt heavy like they were counteracting with her civil norms. She felt uncomfortable with all the eyes burning on her and the silence was nerve-racking.

  "Oh dear, you've become such a beautiful young lady." a short redheaded woman crushed the girl into a bonebreaking hug. Though the woman felt foreign to her she instantly felt welcome and warm in her arms. "I'm Molly Weasley and this is my husband, Arthur."

  Once again, she forced a polite smile on her lips and shook the hand of a redheaded man. Kindness beamed from the couple and the girl's eyes glanced over their kids. Four redheaded children were seated at the long dinner table. One in particular caught her eyes, he owned a pair of blue eyes which intrigued her in a way.

  All of the kids raised from their seats and hurried to meet the intriguing girl. A girl with beautiful flaming red hair was first to shake the girl's hand. "I'm Ginny Weasley, you're so pretty."

  The brunette parted her lips to reply but before she could Ginny was pushed aside by her brothers. "The name's Fred, the better looking twin." one of the identical twins shook the girl's hand with a mischievous smirk.

  "Oi! I'm George, the funny one." the other redheaded twin stood in front of the short girl and gently shook her hand but his smirk didn't differ much from his brother's. Once more she opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by the fourth Weasley kid.

  "Ron Weasley!" he greeted excitingly and shook her small hand in an almost nervous manner. He towered her with his height to say the least, she felt tiny but in a way it made her feel protected. He had a broad and strong build, his hands and arms were nearly three times bigger than hers. She almost winced feeling his strong grip but she wasn't going to make it known. But her facial expression spilled the beans.

"Calm down, Ronald! You're nearly ripping her hand off." a girl snapped. She owned a head full of big fluffy curls and her skin was pale and porcelain like. Ron let go of the girl's hand and guiltily rubbed the back of his neck.

  "Hermione Granger, it's nice to finally meet you." she spoke in a gentle tone and surprisingly gave her a hug, but carefully as if not wanting to break her.

Finally? Had they heard of her before? Apparently the news of her coming had spread like a wild fire. And again she opened her mouth to speak but pressed her lips in a tight line when she heard heavy footsteps walking in from behind her.

  She turned around like a flash and faintly heard mrs Weasley telling the kids to follow her upstairs. They needed some desperate privacy and the brunette was thankful for not having an audience whilst she met her father for the first time in the sixteen years of her life.

  He was unlike anything she had expected. Her family had described him as a criminal, a nasty murderer, but all she saw at that moment were two kind gray eyes. His hair was long and wavy like. He wore a brown suit that covered his tall body. Apart from the several scars on his pale face he looked far from a criminal, it was almost like she wanted to crash into his arms and let out the exhausting breath she had been holding for all those years spent without a father. Here he was, Sirius Black, her actual father.

  "Nevaeh." he said in a deep and smokey tone. He stepped forwards and even though she wanted to trust him and always look at the positive things in a person she found herself stepping backwards. How could she trust him when he never even tried to contact her in all those years? Although it was painful to see his own daughter refusing to get close to him, he understood and would give her as much time as she needed. After all, she had just lost her mother and it wasn't the best timing to worry about anything but that.

  Nevaeh fiddled with the hem of her shirt, waiting for the uncomfortable silence to break. How much she wished for the Weasleys to be there right now. She was relieved to find another man walking into the room. A tall man with brown hair and a big moustache. He as well had some faint white scars covering his already pale face. With the curious girl she was, she wondered how he had gotten them.

  "Nevaeh, I'm pleased to finally meet you. My name's Remus Lupin, your father's best friend." she shook his outstretched hand and again managed to crack a smile. But it wasn't long fore the grief pulled the corners of her lips back down mercilessly.

  "Welcome at Grimmauld's place, your father's home, the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, whatever you want to name it.", Remus said, smiling at her. "As it is late, why don't I escort you to your room?"

  Neveah gave him a stern nod. Remus looked over his shoulder at Sirius and shared a sympathetic look. Neveah on the other hand couldn't bring herself to look at her father once more, time would heal both Neveah and Sirius hoped.

  The two climbed the many staircases whilst Remus explained how the Weasleys only stayed there during the summer. She found out Hermione Granger was merely a friend of theirs but was treated like one of their own. She couldn't deny how warm and welcome they made her feel but for the day she was too emotionally drained to spent one more minute thinking about anything.

  Remus led her into a small bedroom and laid the suitcase he had been carrying for her on the floor. He beamed another smile at her and squeezed her arm in a comforting way.

  "Sweet dreams, Nevaeh. I'll see you in the morning." he said smilingly before turning around and walking through the doorway.

  "Nev." the girl replied quietly. Remus turned around in a split second with his eyebrows raised. Neveah repeated herself in a louder but kind tone this time "Everyone says Nev, just Nev."

  "Alright, just Nev, sweet dreams." and with the bright smile on his face he closed the door and left the brunette to her thoughts. She had to admit, even though all those new people made her nervous she hated being alone and would rather much stay in their presence for a little longer. Being alone meant being swallowed by her lonesome thoughts and pictures flashing through her mind of that cold stormy night.

  She swallowed and twisted her head around the small room. Like the rest of the house it was mostly dark and had just a small window. The curtains were already closed and a single bed stood on the wall opposite to the door, next to a small cupboard. Someone had obviously tried to make this room more comfortable as a soft purple blanket and two fluffy cushions laid on the sheets of the bed.

  Nevaeh didn't take time to unpack, simply kicked her shoes off and plopped onto the bouncy bed. As much as she wished for sleep to take her away from her thoughts she barely closed an eye that night and wallowed in her grief.

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