( that day )

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Chapter 9

Bulgaria, June 26th 1995

The house atop the hill was dark and silence lingered in the air as the two slept peacefully before the storm. The wooden house creaked as the wind brushed against its walls. It was near the crack of dawn when heavy footsteps walked onto the wooden floorboards. The intruder went straight upstairs, knowing its destination.

The small brunette was awoken by a cold scream echoing through the house. She jumped out of bed and searched for her wand. Once she held her wand between her skinny fingers she snuck towards the source of the sound with a pounding heart. The floor boards creaked beneath her feet and her presence was known.

Two strong arms pinned her on the floor but her head twisted in the direction of her mother's bedroom. The screams were nerve wrecking and through the small gap of the opened door she could see the silhouette of a tall dark figure leaning over her mother's bed.

"Mom! Mom!" she screamed over and over again and tried to fight the strong grip of whoever was holding her down but failed miserably. Her ribs were nearly crushed by this person and the bruises were already forming.

"Let me go!" she cried but it earned her a kick against her head and she lost consciousness. Her surroundings faded away and there she laid, helpless.

When her eyes opened once again the house was quiet like nothing happened. But it was an uncomfortable silence and she knew it wasn't a horrible nightmare. She climbed to her feet, her body feeling sore and she picked her wand from the wooden floor. Shakily she reached it in front of her and stepped into her mother's bedroom.

In front of her was a horrific sight of a nightmare becoming reality. The girl leaped forwards and shook the body of her bloodied mother. Everything was covered in blood and her eyes were closed but not in a sleeping way. It weren't stab wounds and shot wounds either.

The truth was even more horrifying. Her mother's pale body was covered in bite marks. Sharp teeth had drained all the blood of her mother's lifeless body. Those inhuman creatures were vampires.

She kept shaking her lifeless body and pleading for her mother to wake up and tell her everything was going to be ok but it never happened. She casted spells to heal the wounds but it merely removed the bite marks, she had already lost too much blood. Her mother remained unresponsive. Her mother was murdered.

Scotland -Hogwarts, October 1995

"Every night it's replaying in my nightmares, she stands there covered in blood and tells me I should've helped her. You killed me, she says."

"Nev, you didn't kill her. There was nothing you could've done." Ron said, grabbing both her hands tightly. The tears were rolling down her pale cheeks but it felt relieving to tell someone.

"But what've I had just been more quiet and woken up earlier. I could've—"

"Nev, nobody blames you, you did the best you could do. We can't keep asking ourselves what would've happened and what if, it won't change anything."

"I know, it just hurts so much." Nevaeh cried and leaned into Ron's touch. He wrapped his arms around her small figure and pulled her into his chest. She let go of her tears and felt the weight lift from her shoulders.

It would possibly take very long before it would stop hurting but she knew it would eventually. It was comforting and hopeful with people by her side that actually cared.

It was the first time she ever told someone her side of the story out of free will. Of course she had told the ministry her part of the story because they could catch the vampires who did it but they were never caught. Nevaeh feared every day for them but there was another emotion that grew bigger towards them every minute of the day. This emotion was stronger than nearly everything else, it was hatred towards those foul vampires. In her eyes they didn't deserve Azkaban, they deserved much worse, they deserved death.

  "Can I ask you something?" Ron asked ever so quiet and cautiously. Nevaeh wiped her tears and nodded.
"Why did they leave you there, unharmed?"

  "That's the question I've been asking myself every day, it seems as if they were specifically out there with one goal only, to kill my mother. To this day nobody knows who they were and why they did it. It's what makes it even more frustrating."

  "You never saw their faces?"

  She shook her head and looked him deeply in the eyes, finding much more comfort in them than others. Ron smiled reassuringly and without thinking he tugged a strand of her hair behind her small ear. Both were surprised by the sudden movement but it was all it took for them to finally admit how they felt towards each other.

  Both felt nervous as Ron leaned closer, making the space between them nearly nonexistent. He held her cheek with his big hand and looked into her gorgeous vibrant hazel colored eyes until she closed them. She took the last step and pressed her soft lips against his. Their lips moved in sync with each other but slow and soft. Her petite body melted into his, his hands ventured over every curve of her body. It was as if in that moment they were the only existing people on the earth.

  They pulled apart and opened their eyes. No words were spoken but in that moment it didn't matter. For a moment all Nevaeh's worries and fears had disappeared, it felt better than she could've wished for.

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