( Umbridge )

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Chapter 19

"Watch it, Weasley, eight inches at all times." Nevaeh stated as they walked in the corridors, heading for another O.W.L. exam. Ron stretched his arms out to wrap around the girl but she leaped forwards, giggling.

"You two make me sick." Harry muttered.

"Oh, you're just jealous, Harry." replied Ron and stared at the back of his girlfriend as she walked in front of him, tugging arms with Lucy. He admired everything about her and grew closer to her every day.

"I've studied all night, how am I still not prepared?" Lucy groaned.

"You'll be fine, Lucy, you have the highest grades besides Hermione and Malfoy. Don't worry about it."

"How are you so confident? You've been snogging Weasley all night yet you don't stress at all about the exams." Lucy whispered, giggling. Nevaeh shot her a glare and eyed around her to see if anyone heard but to her luck no-one did.

They entered the great hall and sat behind the desks with their names on them. Umbridge must've purposely put Nevaeh and Ron far away from each other as she sat far away in the back.

"Good luck, guys." she told Harry and Ron, giving them a toothy smile. Lucy gave her thumbs up but wasn't looking as calm herself. Lucy could stress about school related stuff quite easily but Nevaeh found it quite amusing.

An hour later they were all scribbling away on a piece of parchment with their quills. It went surprisingly well and Nevaeh was nearly done when a sound was heard from the other side of the door.

Everyone turned their heads and nearly all of them jumped when the doors were pushed open and the Weasley twins flew inside on their broomsticks, cheering. The two threw fireworks in the air, making everyone cheer and throw away there exams.

Nevaeh let out a giggle watching the crazy twins driving Umbridge insane. She pushed through the crowd and followed everyone outside. Outside were sparkling fireworks that filled the blue sky. Ron found his way to the girl and broke the distance between them, pulling her into his arms.

  "I have to admit, I like those brothers of yours." Nevaeh said.

  "Yeah, they're alright, sometimes." Ron mumbled, making Nevaeh giggle. The two watched the fireworks and cheered along with the others until Nevaeh's eyes caught Harry, who collapsed onto the ground. She tugged Ron's arm and leaped towards Harry.

  "What's wrong?"

  "It's Sirius." was all Harry said and he began running, there was no time to waste. Nevaeh felt herself getting nauseous hearing her father's name.

  They followed Harry fast through the corridors.

  "Harry, what happened? What did you see?" asked Nevaeh, her breathing heavy as her legs moved fast.

  "I saw Sirius, he was getting tortured by Voldemort. He's at the ministry, he has to be."

  "Harry, are you sure?" asked Hermione.

  "It's just like with mr Weasley, it's the same door I've been dreaming about for months, only I couldn't remember where I had seen it before. Sirius said Voldemort was after something, something he didn't have last time and it's in the department of mysteries."

  "Harry, will you please listen?" Hermione begged and the four stopped in the middle of the staircase as it began to move its direction.

  "What if Voldemort meant for you to see this? He's only hurting Sirius because he's trying to get to you."

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