( Aragog )

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Chapter 38

Even though Harry knew Nevaeh was aware of the situation with Draco Malfoy, he kept her in the dark about his plans. Nevaeh didn't fully understand why Harry had suddenly turned his back on her. It had been hours after until Ron told Nevaeh how Harry had attacked Draco in the boy's lavatory. Harry didn't need to explain himself, Nevaeh would've done the same, she wished she had been there to watch it.

Still she couldn't understand how he barely talked to her anymore. Ron told her she shouldn't worry and how he probably had a lot on his mind. But it wasn't until she noticed him entering Dumbledore's office that she really started to get curious.

She had been feeling down the entire day, Ron had tried to cheer her up with some board games but failed miserably. All she wanted to do was read or stare out the window, watching raindrops slowly dripping down the window.

"It feels like something really bad is going to happen."

"Why?" Ron asked, grabbing both of her hands. She got goosebumps at his sudden touch, his hands felt warm as always.

"I just have this weird feeling."

"Don't worry, Nev."

"I always worry." she huffed dramatically. Ron grinned pulling her closer on the couch.

It was quiet in the common room, they were all alone besides two other students whom were trying to do some reading.

Hermione had been at the library all day whilst Harry had gone up to Dumbledore's office again. Nevaeh had followed him there but after an hour of waiting she got bored and decided to meet up with Ron.

She laid back onto his chest, catching herself smiling because of how safe it made her feel. Maybe not knowing whatever Harry and Draco were up to was a good thing, maybe she would finally have some peace in her mind.

"I wish we could stay like this all day." Ron sighed.

Nevaeh turned her head, smiling at Ron.

"Me too."

Ron leaned forwards, placing a hand on the back of her head. Their lips touched softly. Still, Nevaeh got goosebumps every time they kissed.

Suddenly the portrait opened and Hermione entered the common room, a stack of books in her arms. Nevaeh pulled back from the kiss. They turned their heads, catching sight of their friend.

Hermione paused when she saw Nevaeh and Ron cuddled together on the couch. Nevaeh blushed, sitting up slightly and readjusting her position.

"I— Lucy just asked me if I'd seen you, just outside the common room" Hermione said, tugging a curl behind her ear. Nevaeh nodded with a smile on her face saying "Thank you for telling me, I'll meet her straight away."

Ron pouted his lips as Nevaeh lifted from the couch. She giggled and kissed him on the cheeks.

"We still have studying to do later today, don't forget!" Nevaeh said to Ron as she walked towards the portrait.

As Nevaeh stepped out of the common room, she spotted Lucy just outside the corridor. Lucy waved excitedly, her bright smile instantly lifting Nevaeh's spirits."Nev! I've been looking for you everywhere," Lucy exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. Nevaeh grinned, feeling grateful for Lucy's presence. "I was with Ron. What's up?"

"Of course you were" Lucy said with a smirk "I just thought we could spend some time together. Maybe go down to Hagrid's hut? I heard he's brewing some special tea today."

Nevaeh's face lit up with excitement at the idea. "That sounds perfect! I haven't seen him in a while."

Together, Nevaeh and Lucy made their way down to Hagrid's hut, the crisp autumn air filling their lungs as they walked.

As Nevaeh and Lucy approached Hagrid's hut, they noticed a somber atmosphere. Hagrid stood outside, his shoulders slumped and his usually jovial expression replaced with one of sadness.

Nevaeh's heart clenched at the sight, a feeling of concern settling over her."What's going on?" Lucy whispered, her voice barely above a murmur.

Nevaeh shook her head, her brow furrowing in worry. "I'm not sure, but something doesn't seem right."

As they drew closer, they caught sight of Harry and Professor Slughorn standing with Hagrid, their expressions mirroring his. Nevaeh's heart sank as she realized what must have happened."It's Aragog, isn't it?" Nevaeh asked quietly as they approached.

Hagrid nodded, his voice thick with emotion. "Poor Aragog. He passed away this morning. We've been paying our respects."

Nevaeh and Lucy exchanged sympathetic glances. "We're so sorry, Hagrid," Lucy said softly, reaching out to squeeze his hand in comfort. Hagrid offered them a weak smile, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Thank you, you two. It means a lot."

Nevaeh shared a look with Harry. She squinted her eyes, noticing a weird look in his. Whatever it was, Harry was up to something.

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