( potions )

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Chapter 24

Cold. The castle's corridors felt cold, different, they felt different. She carried her books tightly against her chest, hoping it would provide her some kind of warmth. Maybe it was the lack of energy, after all she hadn't gotten much sleep. She had forgotten what it was like to sleep in a dorm with other people.

This year she was placed in a dorm with two other girls that were the exact opposite of her. She could barely remember them from her previous year at Hogwarts. Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil, the two seemed to be best friends. Unlike almost everyone else at Hogwarts Lavender and Parvati weren't giving her those apologetic looks instead they gave her disapproving eyes, like she had done some kind of wrong doing.

Nevaeh wasn't hurt, for all she cared they were annoying and she couldn't wait to leave the dorm as early as possible. That's what she did, when the sun rose she gathered her books and rushed out of the room.

When it was time for her first class the corridors were filled with panicky first years whom had no idea where to go. Nevaeh could find the slightest bit of entertainment out of the situation, the only worry on their mind was finding their classroom in time. She thought they were lucky, their worries were only small and temporary.

Keeping her eyes on the ground she hurried for her first class, potions. She was quite excited to attend her first class of the year. Besides, she figured the distraction would be good for her now that she was going to be by herself a lot.

"Miss Black, I was wondering when I'd get to meet you. Your O.W.L results of last year were outstanding." an old professor appeared in front of the small brunette.

"Professor Slughorn, it's good to meet you."

Professor Slughorn seemed joyful and eager to meet Nevaeh. Though Neveah had no idea why, it felt like a good start of a new school year .

"Come in, class will start soon." Slughorn said and Nevaeh found herself a spot at an empty table. Not long after the classroom began to fill with chatty students. One after another shot Nevaeh a familiar apologetic look. She decided to start reading or else she would've gone mad and told them to look elsewhere.

"How studious of you to read before class even starts, trying to make a good first impression, are we? You won't fool me, Black." a hand pressed itself against the table top as a voice spoke from behind her, giving her goosebumps all over.

"Go bother someone else, Malfoy. I'm trying to focus." Nevaeh mumbled annoyedly as she tried to appear as unbothered as ever.

"Can't focus when I'm around, can you? Still shaken up from our little encounter in the Hogwarts express yesterday?" Malfoy leaned a little closer, lowering his voice.

Nevaeh went silent for a moment, feeling her heart beat a little faster as her eyes caught Hermione Granger's who only just walked in.

"—If you won't go, I will." said Nevaeh as she gathered her books. A little disappointed in her second seat choice next to Lavender Brown she tried to focus on her first class but it was hard as Draco Malfoy kept glaring at her. Nevaeh didn't do much different, she even came as far to considering sticking her tongue out at him but reconsidered immediately knowing it was rather childish.

When the class was finally getting interesting another unavoidable distraction came Nevaeh's way. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley barged into the classroom, awfully late. Nevaeh kept her eyes on the floor but it didn't take much for her to know that Ron had his eyes on her and her only.

"Ahh Harry, I was beginning to worry. You've brought someone with you I see."

"Ron Weasley, sir." his voice gave her goosebumps all over her body and it brought back small memories into her mind. She smiled at the thought of it but almost instantly replaced the smile by a scowl. 'Careful' she told herself, not wanting to let herself slip and bring even more people in danger because that's what she did, right?

It was hard to focus on anything for the remaining hour. Now not only did Malfoy look annoyedly at the girl but so did the golden trio, Ron in particular.

Nevaeh tried her hardest to brew a perfect brew of living death but the instructions didn't even seem accurate. Trying her best effort to cut a Sopophorous bean she suddenly felt a presence next to her, making her flinch at once.

"I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Ron apologized. Nevaeh lifted her shoulders as if telling him she was unbothered.

"Can we talk later?" Ron asked quickly, his eyes searching for hers but she seemed to try her hardest to look at anything but him.

"I have to get some ingredients—" as she was about to get up and leave to get some unwanted ingredients, Ron grabbed her wrist.

"Please, Nev—"

"I don't want to talk." she stated, her voice now full with volume, earning everyone's attention. Ron instantly let go of her and looked mournful yet full of anger at the same time.

"Fine." he spat angrily. It took her a bit off guard, his sudden anger. She felt guilty for causing it but not as much as she felt relief, maybe now he would leave her be.

A/N: quick note, sorry for not uploading as much, I'm in my second year of law school and it's taking so much of my time.. but that doesn't mean I'll stop writing, on the contrary I'm very excited to continue this fanfic.

!Just let me know if you have any suggestions for the story!

New chapters coming soon :)

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