( the heat's rising )

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Chapter 12

  The room of requirements, also known as the come and go room, only appearing when a person has real need of it and is always equipped with the person's needs.

"I didn't think this place existed." mumbled Lucy, standing besides her new best friend. The two stared in awe at the strange room they were in.

Neville had found it just a few hours before, bumping into it merely on accident.

"I'm gobsmacked how we never came across this room, we searched everywhere for it." Fred muttered, looking absolutely defeated he and George didn't find it first.

Everyone was lined up, waiting to disarm the wooden figure in the front. A simple disarm charm didn't sound as hard but some people simply didn't know how to do it properly without poking each other's eye out.

After watching Ron and Hermione succeeding to disarm the statue, it was Nevaeh's turn. She didn't like how all the eyes were burning on her but it would never stop her to use her wand. She took it out and flourished it ever so slightly before shouting the word.


Her lips curled into a sly smile once he was disarmed and stepped asides to stand with Ron and Hermione.

"That was brilliant, Nev." Ron stated enthusiastically. Nevaeh could swear she saw Hermione rolling her eyes but didn't think to much of it and thanked Ron before clapping her hands as Lucy succeeded as well.

After they practiced for a good few hours Nevaeh and Ron decided to get some food. Both hadn't eaten dinner due to the unexpected training. They snuck into the kitchens and found themselves several snacks. The house elves were about to protest when the two ran off, laughing.

They sat down in one of the towers and munched on their snack whilst Nevaeh insisted to get some studying done. She wanted more than anything for Ron to pass with a good result since she herself was prepared already.

They sat on the stairs and tried to study but it didn't come to much of it. They couldn't stop talking and eventually they just gave up.

"It's crazy how much you three have been through. I mean not to be rude or anything, I have a lot of respect for Harry but you don't get enough credit."

"Thanks, Nev." Ron said, it was honestly something he needed to hear, just to reassure himself. Harry was his best friend and he would probably give his life for him but at times it felt like he faded away in Harry's shadow.

"It's true, without you Harry probably wouldn't have managed to go through it all." Nevaeh said smilingly. Ron grinned and bumped his shoulder against hers.

They fell silent and caught each other's eyes, feeling the heat rising in an instant. Ron's lips were getting closer and her heart decided to skip a beat, the smell of him hypnotic beyond reason. She parted her lips and felt him washing over like a wave of warmth, curling her toes, unfurling all her senses as the taste of him nearly silenced all her thoughts.

He pulled her in, claiming her mouth, hungry and intense. Her whole body tingled, the feel of his frame leaning against her as his arms wrapped around her felt nearly forbidden. By the time Ron became aware of his fingers they had already slipped underneath her shirt, her skin soft and radiating heat. Both wanted more and pressed themselves against each other. Nevaeh brushed her fingers through his hair and pulled at the ends, a moan slipping through her mouth as Ron moved his lips towards her neck, leaving wet trails on her soft skin.

The heat of the moment was broken when heavy footsteps lowered on the staircase, coming from the top of the tower. Nevaeh swiftly removed herself from his lap and fixed her shirt to look somewhat decent.

The Weasley twins came in sight with a mischievous smirk on each of their faces at their brother and the stunning brunette.

"Well, well, well, who do we have here?" Fred started. "Snogging in the towers, how romantic." George added. They held their hands up and slammed their hands together in a high five.

"You two don't have anything better to do than stalking your brother?"

"Not if our little Ronniekins is up to no good."

"Naughty, naughty, Ronniekins."

Ron rolled his eyes and raised to his feet. He stretched his hand out towards and Nevaeh, she nervously entwined her finger with his.

"Bye, guys." Nevaeh said, awkwardly smiling at the twins. They waved at her childishly, still smirking like two little kids.

But honestly, Nevaeh was still freaking out about the intense kiss. What would've happened it the twins didn't interrupt? She questioned herself but she wouldn't have mind to find out. Ron made her feel good, made her forget her worries and sorrows.

She smiled looking down at their connected hands and didn't feel the need to pull away anymore. Although people seeing them together made her awfully nervous and shy, she liked feeling his touch and wanted more and more after the kiss they just shared.

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