( dark mark )

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Chapter 30

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"First name basis now, are we?" his tone was as cocky as ever. Even though I couldn't see anything, I could still feel his presence. 

"Shut up, Malfoy. Give me my wand back!" 

Suddenly Malfoy's wand lit up the small broom closet. He frowned and brought the tip of his wand to my neck, threatening me. I clenched my jaw, Draco didn't scare me himself, it was the fact that I didn't have my wand in reach, it made me feel uneasy.

"Why have you been following me?" 

"I think you have bigger things to worry about, Malfoy." 

"Is that supposed to scare me?" his wand pressed hard into my neck, making it uncomfortable to breathe.  

"I know what you've been up to." 

"And what is that exactly?" 

"You must be really stupid if you think nobody will figure out what you're planning to do." I answered, my eyes slowly looking for any kind of escape plan as Draco thought about my words. 

Draco leaned forwards, his face close to mine "You must be really brave or a complete idiot to be talking to me this way." I pressed my back into the wall behind me. 

"Who's making you do it, Malfoy?" 

"Nobody's making me do anything."

"I don't believe you."

His eyes darkened more every second, it was the first time Malfoy actually started scaring me. Maybe it wasn't all a though act, maybe it was real. Draco leaned back, his eyebrows frowning. For a second I thought he was going to let me go, but then he brought his hand to his sleeve. Slowly he pulled his sleeve up until it revealed something. 

"Don't think I won't kill you if you get in my way."

I took a sharp breath and shook my head in disbelieve. Draco was a death eater. 

For a moment I felt the strongest anger I had felt in my entire life. The feeling I felt the night my father was murdered in front of my own eyes. The way I saw that green light hitting his chest. The disgusting look on Lestrange her face. It revealed a part of me I didn't know existed, a part that scared me and made me ashamed of myself. 

Right there, when I saw the dark mark on Draco's wrist I felt that side of myself coming to the surface, knowing he was with them. How could one be on the same side as murderers, thieves, monsters. 

The adrenaline rushed through my body, I saw an opportunity as Draco covered his wrist again. I  looked to my right and grabbed the first thing I could see. Tightly I held a broom stick and brought the top of it to his face, hitting him with a bigger impact than I had expected. He groaned and reached for his nose in pain. 

I heard my wand falling on the ground, Draco had accidentally dropped it. In a split second I had picked it up and had it pressed against his jaw. My mind was racing, the anger was boiling inside of me. Blood was coming from his nose, dripping onto his chin. 

"Don't you dare ever threatening me again." my voice was low and resisting the urge to hurt him even more was hard and that terrified me. I opened the door but when I was about to leave Malfoy grabbed my wrist. 

"If you say anything to anyone, I'll make sure that little Finnigan friend of yours won't make it till next week." 

I shook my hand loose and ran off without looking back. Draco's words were disgusting and even though I didn't think Draco himself would hurt Lucy I knew that other death eaters definitely could, I wasn't going to take the risk, I couldn't get anyone else killed. 

So I wasn't going to tell anyone. I was going to stop him myself, even if it were the last thing I'd do. 

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