( a burden )

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Chapter 3

Nevaeh was flipping through one of her new school books to try and get a head start on studying. She had always been a little studious because it was a way of distracting herself whenever she needed it.

But she couldn't concentrate, her mind was crowded with all the recent events. She groaned in frustration and threw the book onto the wooden floor. She regretted it as soon as she realized it was nighttime and possibly everyone'd be asleep by now or maybe Nevaeh had just woken them up.

She cursed to herself and skipped towards the door. She opened it and poked her head outside to see if anyone had woken up. When she saw no-one but heard a thud coming from downstairs she decided to take a look.

The house was dark and the air was getting thicker as she lowered to the other levels. Something was wrong, Nevaeh could feel something dangerous lurking around the corner. Her gut was telling her to turn around to somewhere safe but her curiosity got the best of her.

Her bare feet touched the cold floor of the ground floor and a shiver ran down her spine. She felt her heart beating faster when the air got even thicker and darker.

The corridor was empty but it felt like someone was watching her. The floor boards creaked beneath her feet. When she heard a thud coming from behind her she froze in place. Her legs were trembling and her face went as pale as snow. Heavy breathing was heard from behind her and she inhaled sharply.

When she turned around her heart skipped a beat. A pale bloodied person faced her. Brown hair locks were soaked in thick blood. The eyes that were once beautifully brown were now red and full of tears. Her clothes were thorn apart and bruises were shown on her skinny arms and legs.

"Mom?" Nevaeh cried, tears rolling over her bony cheeks. But her mother remained quiet and showed a deathly stare. Nevaeh stepped closer, her arms reaching out to her mother until suddenly her mother's eyes darkened and she scowled "You did this, you killed me."

Nevaeh shook her head in denial, tears streaming down in a rapid manner. Her mother's lips curled into a grimace. "Admit it, you're just like your father, a cold-blooded murderer."

"No, I am not. I tried to help you but—"

"You failed and got me killed. I've never been more disappointed. You are no daughter of mine. Murderer!"

Nevaeh cried uncontrollably, they turned into sobs as she dropped on her knees. She pressed her wet face into the palms of her hands and continuously cried "No, no, no."

But all of the sudden the weight lifted from her shoulders when she felt a big hand on her shoulder. Her sobs quieted down as she looked up and glanced directly into two clear blue eyes.

"R-Ron?" Nevaeh stuttered and she felt as if she had just woken up from a terrible nightmare.

"Hey, it's ok, you were sleepwalking, it was just a nightmare." Ron told the brunette and embraced her into his arms. Nevaeh instantly let out a breath she had been holding and felt herself leaning into his touch. For a moment she felt safe and forgot how frightened she was just seconds before.

Even though it had all been a nightmare, it felt so real. The way her mother appeared, the way she spoke, it was as if she had really been there and yet it didn't seem like her. Her mother would never say any of those things.

"Let me get you some water." Ron mumbled and led the girl into the kitchen by holding his big hand safely around hers. Nevaeh simply nodded and sat down on a chair as Ron filled a glass with water.

She wiped the tears from her cheeks but still shook in fear. The picture of her mother standing there covered in blood would be forever carved in her mind.

Ron gave the girl a glass of water and watched as she took a few sips. A concerned look spread across his face as he watched her shake in fear.

"Do you have nightmares often?" He asked ever so gentle. She looked up and nodded, her eyes were watery and red. Ron just felt like holding her and comforting her even though he barely knew her.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked but Nevaeh quickly shook her head. Last thing she wanted was to relive it all over again by saying it out loud. But that didn't stop her from crying all over again. She pressed her face into the palms of her hands and cried as her mother's voice repeated over and over again in her mind.

Ron went with his gut and kneeled down in front of her. He placed a hand on her thigh, trying to comfort. The sobs were painful to hear and Ron couldn't imagine what it must feel like to lose someone you love. Especially when that person was murdered.

Nevaeh had never cried like that in front of somebody else but she didn't feel like she had to hide her tears with Ron. For some reason he comforted her even though she barely knew him.

After that Ron walked Nevaeh back to her bedroom. He even offered to keep her company but Nevaeh didn't want to be a burden and declined his offer. But Nevaeh never was a burden in other people's eyes. It was just the way Nevaeh had felt in all her life, a burden and that must've been why her father left, because she was a burden. Right?

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