( smile )

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Chapter 2

  Nevaeh was awoken by a loud crash from downstairs which sounded like pots and pans falling onto the wooden floor boards. After tossing and turning all night and watching the sun rise early in the morning she thought she had only fallen asleep for a rough hour but this wasn't the case. She had actually slept the entire day, the sun was near setting once again.

  Her heart skipped a beat and she hastily jumped up in her bed. It took her more than a second to realise where she was until she heard a woman yell with a strict voice "I will not have any of this around the house, stop whipping those wands around!"

  She checked the clock on the wall and gasped at the sight of the time. The time didn't bother her as much, it was the amount of sleep she got that shocked her. For the first time in three weeks had she slept for longer than an hour. Even though her mental state didn't change much her body felt well rested.

  With a sly grin on her face the girl hopped into the shower and changed into clean clothes afterwards. Still she didn't bother to unpack knowing she'd be leaving for Hogwarts sooner than later. It was weird how her life was changing so much. She already missed the rough landscapes of Bulgaria and her friends even more.

  From the age of eleven Nevaeh had attended the Durmstrang institute. Even though it was an all boys school besides her, she enjoyed every day she spent there. With her best friend Viktor Krum, not a day went by without one of their miscevioush adventures. But that seemed like ages ago. It's crazy how your life can change in a split second, one second and CRASH, your life shatters into a million pieces.

  Hesitantly Nevaeh strolled down the staircase. She wondered if he'd be downstairs. If so she wanted to mentally prepare herself but still she wasn't sure if she'd ever be able to do so. Her mental state was a mess right now.

  She leaned over the hand railing when she heard voices coming from the lower floor. She could see several redheads, Hermione and another boy whom she couldn't remember meeting before but he looked awfully familiar.

  When she approached them the staircase creaked making all their heads turn towards the brunette. Their eyes beamed at the sight of the mysterious girl. Nevaeh had a faint smile on her face which they all happily returned. Nevaeh's eyes fell on the raven-haired boy who looked around her age. He wore circular spectacles and owned a precarious scar on his forehead, shaped like a lightning bolt. That's when it hit her, it was the famous boy who lived, Harry Potter aka her father's godson.

  The two shared an uncertain smile and Harry was about to say something when one of the twins -Nevaeh wasn't sure which one it was- shushed him.

  "Listen, they're talking about you, Harry." one of the twins whispered. Nevaeh made a mental note to figure out which one was which so she wouldn't embarrass herself by calling them the wrong names.

  She stopped walking and stood next to Ron. She leaned over the railing to see what was happening and noticed a white string hanging all the way to the bottom level. On either sides -bottom and top- hung an ear, an actual ear but of course it was enchanted. They could hear exactly what was talked about in the room downstairs.

  "What's happening?" Nevaeh asked ever so quietly. Ron grinned hearing the girl's voice for the first time. She had the slightest accent due to her living in Bulgaria for her entire life. She had been raised speaking English half of the time but still, the Bulgarian accent was evident. Ron found the accent endearing.

  Ron leaned closer, their arms touching and he whispered "The Order is having a meeting, Harry got attacked by a pair of Dementors. We're trying to get more information by using the expandable ear."

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