Chapter 14 - Wei Ying

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Third Person POV

The two on the roof gasped. He wasn't dead. He was alive! Wei Ying was alive! Was he the one who had attacked the Wens. But the attacker had been so inhumane, the Wei Ying they knew was not powerful enough - no - was not evil enough to have done it. The Wei Ying they knew smiled, and laughed, and was arrogant, and bold, and happy? But this man. This man in front of them was different. He carried a wild aura of darkness. Hatred spilling from his flute. The same face was almost unrecognisable; in place of his trademark smile a harsh, grimacing smirk was placed. 

The music from the flute was no longer music and from the huge billowing cloud of darkness he had amassed crawled a demon. Long, pale hands with talons for nails emerged. Zhuliu tensed ready to fight.

"Shouldn't you know by now that there is nothing you can do to stop me. You're useless." teased Wei Ying in a deep threatening voice. He laughed. It was the same sing-song chuckle he had in the past but it felt different. There was no joy in it and it could be perceived almost as sobbing.

The woman demon had crawled over to Wen Chao and was silently caressing his face, playing with her pray. Again and again until her sharp talons found his throat and ripped out his wind pipe.

Wen Chao slumped. Dead. 

The demon slinked back to Wuxian, sitting at his feet. There was a grotesque looking child demon that sat with Wei Wuxian. That hollow laughter again. 

"I suppose it's you next then." said the boy. He turned his back looking out the window wistfully.

Suddenly, Zhuliu lunged at him. It had posed no threat to the boy but unaware of this factor, the two boys on the roof clattered through the ceiling. It was all over very quickly. Zidian stretched out forming a noose and Zhuliu was left hanging from the roof. Unable to form words he mouthed out, "How?", before his eyes bulged and Jiang Cheng snapped his neck.


For the first time in months, the men all made eye contact. Tears were unconsciously streaming from Jiang Cheng's eyes. He ran over to embrace his Shixiong but Wei Ying automatically tensed and backed away. Sadness and confusion welled up in Jiang Cheng's eyes. Quickly, Wei Wuxian awkwardly embraced his Shidi. 

"I missed you so much," Jiang Cheng said, " we thought you were dead. Wen Chao told us all you were dead. What happened to you? Are you alright?" Anxiously his Shidi checked over him, retaking in every inch. 

"Wen Chao made it sound like you were dead, crippled but you don't even have any scars! That arrogant bastard. How dare he insinuate that my brother is weak." 

Throughout this whole process Wei Ying just stared into the distance, a vacant expression adorned upon his face. Wangji also distanced himself, he needed time to think and let them have their brotherly reunion. 

"Hmn, I missed you too" said Wei Ying. 

"Here take Suibian". Jiang Cheng threw the sword at Wei Ying and Wei Ying caught it. He gazed sadly at it before harshly shoving it in his belt.

Finally, Lan Zhan stepped forward to talk.

"Wei Ying."

"Lan Zhan"

There was a tense silence full of unspoken words.

"Was it you back at the supervisory office? Did you kill all of those Wen guards?


"You need to stop the demonic cultivation. It will damage your heart and cause irrevocable damage."

"I can't. I won't"

"You'll get hurt!"

"What's it to you?"

Tensions were rising and Jiang Cheng was getting increasingly worried, why should his brother give up demonic cultivation but if it was going to harm him, why would he continue? Agitation was clear upon the quarrelling boys faces, an inability to understand and an inability to disclose the truth. With one final glare, the conversation was ended by Jiang Cheng. He grabbed Wei Ying. 

"Wei Ying, are you hurt anywhere? What were those things? Where have you been?"

"It doesn't matter"

"We heard you were chucked into the burial mounds?"

"Just leave it?"

"Are you really okay?"

"Get off of me!"

Emotion flashed across Wei Ying's face. A confused muddle of sadness, pain, hurt, indescribable feelings swirled together. He didn't want to shout but it was so overwhelming. He needed a break for a minute.

Jiang Cheng looked down at his hand. The hand that had been resting upon Wei Ying's shoulder. A small drip of crimson blood.

"You're bleeding!"

"I'm fine" 

Jiang Cheng wouldn't give up. He pulled back Wei Ying's robes expecting to see a small cut or something of the sort, but there was nothing. It was wrong. Blood was dribbling down the boys arm but there was seemingly no source, just smooth pale skin. 

"What are you doing! I told you to leave it! Just leave me alone!" yelled Wei Wuxian

Confusion and thought and then some ague understanding spread across Lan Zhan's features.

"Wei Ying?" He questioned,"Disperse the energy."


Author's Note

This is my second update for today. I hope you have enjoyed it. Please vote and comment any feedback, opinions or corrections

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