The End of Summer

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A/N: Hello! I hope you all like this story. Y/n is in her 5th year at Hogwarts. Just so you know, this story doesn't completely follow the storyline of the actual books, there's a few differences. Also, I do not own any of the characters, they all belong to JK Rowling. Enjoy!

The summer holidays were finally coming to an end, not that I didn't like the summer holidays but I was excited to go back to Hogwarts for my fifth year and see my friends again.

I was going to the burrow the next day where I would be spending the last few days of the holiday before heading off back to Hogwarts.

I couldn't wait to see Ron, Hermione, Harry and the rest of the Weasleys again. I hadn't seen them all summer because I went on a holiday to Spain with my parents. My Dad is a muggle and my Mum is a witch.

I packed my trunk with clothes, quills, parchment and other items and got ready for bed.

As I lay in bed, I couldn't sleep because of how excited I was to see everyone the next day. Just the smell of the burrow fills me with happiness. I pictured Ron's cute smile - wait cute? What do I mean cute? He's my best friend of course I don't find him cute- or I mean his smile or ughhh I don't know.

Last year, I had been full of mixed emotions. Every time I looked Ron in the eyes I would feel my cheeks going red. Every time I accidentally brushed off him I got butterflies in my stomach. I don't know how to explain how I feel because I don't even know if I'm sure myself.

Ron and I have been best friends since we were born because our Mums went to Hogwarts together and have been best friends ever since. There's no way I could possibly like Ron in any other way except friends, and even if I did, I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship.

With that, I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke with a start as my Mum pounded on my door.

"Y/n wake up! I told Molly that you'd be there by 12:30 and right now it's 12:20"

"Ok, ok I'm awake!" I yelled back.

I jumped out of bed and quickly threw my clothes on. I chose the cutest outfit I could find to look good for- no one in particular...

I grabbed my trunk and the cage of my my snowy owl, Evie, and head downstairs.

I sat at the table and gulped down my bowl of Cheeri Owls.

"Slow down Aisling your almost eating as fast as Ron does " my mum chuckled from the couch. I could feel my cheeks heat up for some reason and I laughed to myself thinking of the time Ron devoured 10 whole chicken wings in 2 minutes last year.

"Well I'm just excited to get to the burrow" I replied. I got up and got all my stuff together as it was time to go.

"Bye Dad I'll miss you. I'll see you at Christmas, love you" I said pulling him into a hug.

"Goodbye dear" he replied, kissing me on the head.

I walked over to the fireplace to where my Mum was standing.

"Make sure you write twice a week okay?" she said.

"Hmm how about twice a month? You know how much homework I get I'll be too busy!" I pleaded.

"Oh alright. Anyways, bye darling"

"Goodbye mum" I said wrapping her in a tight hug.

I picked up some flu powder from the tray and stepped into the fireplace. "The Burrow" I said clearly and I was off.

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