A Painful Night

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We eventually got home. It took about 15 minutes seen as Ron was carrying me. As we went in the door Mrs. Weasley came rushing over. "Oh y/n, what happened?" she exclaimed.

"I fell over on the ice and twisted my ankle" I said.

"No, Fred and George knocked her over" Ron complained. "Oh for goodness sake, will you two ever stop causing trouble?" Mrs. Weasley scolded. "Sorry Mum" the twins said in unison. "Alright Ron dear bring her over to the couch" said Mrs. Weasley. Ron carried me over and gently lowered me onto the couch.

"Thanks Ron" I said. He kneeled down on the floor beside me and stretched his arms. Mrs. Weasley examined my ankle for a minute. "Oh dear, it's definitely broken" she said. "Unfortunately, because it's such a big bone, I won't be able to use a spell but I can give you this medicine that will fix it overnight" she said walking over to the cabinet.

"Now I won't lie, this will hurt but it's the only thing that will work quickly" I winced thinking of how painful my ankle already is, don't mind getting it fixed.

She spooned some into my mouth. My face scrunched up because of the taste. It tasted like gone off milk.

Ron was sitting at the floor, looking up at me worriedly. "Mum are you sure she'll be alright?" he said concernedly. "Yes she'll be fine in the morning, she'll just me in a bit of pain tonight but don't worry dear" she said patting him on the head.

I started feeling drowsy because of the medicine and fell asleep.

I was awoken suddenly in the middle of the night with a sharp pain in my ankle. I cried out in pain but quickly put a hand over my mouth. "Y/n are you okay?" said Ron getting up from the arm chair he had been sitting on. He had bags under his eyes, he looked like he hadn't slept a wink yet. I also realised that I had a blanket wrapped around me."Ron! What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well I wasn't gonna leave you down here by yourself was I?" he said. "Aw Ron you can go up to bed, I'll be fine!" I exclaimed. "No I'm staying down here" he replied. I suddenly inhaled sharply as my ankle started paining again. Ron fell to the floor beside me and grabbed my hand.

Tears were falling down my face, it felt like the bones in my ankle were tearing apart, not mending.

"It's okay, it'll be over soon" Ron said rubbing my shoulder. I squeezed his hand really hard, I felt quite bad but at that moment, all I could concentrate on was the pain.

I tried my best not to cry because it would be embarrassing but the pain was too much to handle. I broke down in tears, silently sobbing so I wouldn't wake anyone up. Ron pulled my head into his chest, stroking my hair.

After a few minutes, I started to calm down, making small hiccuping noises. My teeth were clenched hard, trying to forget about my ankle. I pulled away from Ron to wipe my eyes. He was looking at me with pained eyes. It seemed like it was hurting him to see me like this.

"Is it any better now?" he asked. "A little" I said, sniffling. "Ron, you should really get some sleep. Don't worry about me" I begged. "Y/n I'm staying right here, I'm not leaving you here in this much pain by yourself" he retorted. "At least go back and rest on the armchair" I pleaded.

"No I'm staying here beside you" he said. "Ugh you leave me no choice" I chuckled. He raised his eyebrow at me and I moved over so that I was lying on the inside of the couch. I looked from him to the space beside me to back up to him. "Are you sure? You won't be uncomfortable?" he asked. "Ron I don't mind" I giggled. He lay down beside me, resting his head on the arm rest and leaving a gap between us.

I threw half of the blanket onto him and rested the side of my head on the backrest of the couch. A few minutes later the pain had diminished to a soft tingling feeling. "Oh, I think it's nearly fixed!" I exclaimed sitting up to rub my ankle under the blanket.

"Oh that's great, it's about time" said Ron sitting up slightly and leaning on his elbow. I collapsed back down beside him with a sigh. I was exhausted after all that. He lay back down resting his head back on the arm rest.

"Ron thank you so much for everything you did today. Carrying me all the way home, staying up all night to make sure I'm okay, comforting me, you really didn't have to" I said, turning my head to look up at him. "Yeah well what are friends for?" he replied smiling down at me. He slid down so that his head was lying next to mine.

I laid my head on his arm and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

I really couldn't ask for anyone better.


The next morning, we were awoken by the flash of a camera. I was still in Ron's arms and squinted my eyes to see George with a camera.

I was too tired to care at that moment so I just shut my eyes and nuzzled my head back into Ron's arm. Ron opened his eyes to see everyone except for Mr. and Mrs. Weasley surrounding us. "What the bloody hell are you all doing here?" he yelled sitting up. "No Ron, I think the question is, what are you two doing here?" said Fred with a smirk on his face.

"Ugh just bugger off all of you" grumbled Ron, lying back down beside me. I didn't really process any of that because I was still half asleep. Once everyone had gone into the kitchen, Ron sighed and said "Well I guess we didn't really try think that through" "Nope" I responded.

Did I really think we wouldn't get caught like this?

"Oh please say Mum didn't see us" Ron groaned. We could smell the salty scent of bacon and eggs coming from the kitchen so we got up. I glanced into the mirror above the fireplace and froze. I was still in my clothes from yesterday and my hair was an absolute mess.

"Whoa, I'm gonna go fix myself up first but you go ahead" I said but before I could leave he stopped me. "Y/n, you're fine, you look perfect, as always" he said. I looked down at the floor blushing. I think he quickly realized what he had said because his eyes widened "Oh-um l-let's go get breakfast then" he stuttered.

I looked up at him smiling uncontrollably and nodded. We walked in through the kitchen door to see everyone in the house sitting at the table staring at us trying not to grin. Even Mrs. and Mr. Weasley.

"How's your ankle dear?" asked Mrs. Weasley. "Oh it's much better now thank you, I actually nearly forgot about it" I replied, taking a seat. "Thanks to Ron" George muttered under his breath. Hermione, Harry, Ginny, Angelina and the twins started snickering.

I looked over with my mouth wide open, not sure if I should be angry or laugh. "That's it" said Ron jumping back up and rushing over to George but before he reached him Molly shouted "Hey, hey Ron sit down. George don't be so immature. Anyways y/n I'm glad your feeling better"

Ron sat back down beside me and said "Oh and George just so you know, it's thanks to you and Fred that she had to go through that last night in the first place"

Everyone sat quietly eating for the next few minutes. It was Christmas in three days so we were going to Diagon Alley today to get everyone's presents.

When we finished breakfast, we went up to get changed.

As I walked into Ginny's room, her and Hermione came rushing in behind me.

"Y/n what the heck happened last night?" squealed Ginny.

I told them everything that happened and they were over the moon. "Aww that's so sweet!" cooed Hermione. I giggled and got dressed.

I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs. Everyone else had already left. I took some floo powder from the dish, stood in the fireplace and yelled "Diagon Alley". As I started to spin, I wondered to myself wether Harry said the right thing this time instead of "Diagonally" like he did in 2nd year. 

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