Caught In Bed

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I woke up the next morning to the sun shining through the curtains onto my face. I yawned before closing my eyes again, completely forgetting where I was until I realised there were arms wrapped around me. 

I quickly turned to the side to see Ron's beautiful face looking back at me. I smiled as he said "Morning love" in a raspy morning voice. "Good morning" I replied, kissing him on the cheek. I yawned again and asked "How long have you been awake?" "Not too long, I couldn't really move anyway cuz you were lying on my arm" he chuckled, shaking his arm to get the blood flowing again. "Oh I'm so sorry, you should have woken me-" "It's fine, it's fine" he laughed, planting a kiss on my forehead.

Just then, we heard Ginny running up the stairs saying "Ron breakfasts ready!" We looked at each other in horror as we heard her getting closer to Ron's bedroom. Then as she was opening the door she said "Also have you seen y/n anywh-" she stood staring in shock at us lying in bed wrapped in each other's arms. "Ehh-" I started.

"Oh my- guys Mum would kill you if she knew about this!" Ginny yelled. "Ginny we- nothing- it's not what-" Ron was completely flustered as he sat up and moved away from me. Ginny just raised her hand and said "I don't want to know just get your asses downstairs!" She shook her head and went back downstairs. Ron put his face into his hands and said "Shit"

I sat there and giggled saying "Ron it's fine she won't tell anyone- well except for Hermione... and Harry.. and maybe Fred and George" "Uuugghhh" Ron sighed, getting up and took my hand to go downstairs. "We really should have locked the door" he muttered.

We had breakfast with Ginny, Hermione, Harry, Fred and George eying us suspiciously the whole time. After breakfast, we got ready to go back to Hogwarts as spring break was over.

A/N: Omg guys I'm soooo sorry that I took such a long break from writing! I just got so caught up in work and ended up forgetting about this story I'm so sorry! Anyways I'm back now and HOPEFULLY won't take breaks as long as that one ever again. Also I'm sooo excited for the reunion on Saturday ahhhh I can believe it's finally happening!! Enjoy!

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