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It was 6:15 and Ron, Hermione, Harry and I were sitting in the common room. "Ron we better go to detention now" I said gloomily. "Oh yeah I almost forgot" he said jumping up off the couch. We said goodbye and left.

We arrived in the dungeons just in time. I knocked on the door and we walked inside when we heard Snape say "Enter".

"Now, I want you both to clean every single cauldron in this room. You are not to leave until they are all spotless, understand?" he said. Ron and I both nodded. Snape glided out the door and once we heard it slam, we turned to each other and burst out laughing.

We always laughed at the worst moments for absolutely no reason.

When we finally got ourselves together, we began to clean. We cleaned in silence for about 30 minutes until Ron said "So what do you think Harry sees in Ginny?" I rolled my eyes. "Are we seriously talking about this again?" I asked. "Sorry I was just wondering" he said moodily.

"Well I guess she has nice eyes?" I said more like a question. "Well lots of girls have nice eyes" he said staring into mine. I quickly looked back down at the cauldron. "Really? Like who?" I asked, still looking at the cauldron.

Oh my god I've never been more stupid. Why in the name of Godric did I say that?? Uggghh.

"Like you" he replied quietly, still staring at me. I looked up and locked eyes with him.

  Did he really just say that or did I imagine it? 

My cheeks were heating up and his were going the colour of his hair. I didn't have a clue what to say.

"Thanks" I replied with a smile and got back to scrubbing the cauldron. He cleared his throat and did the same.

About 45 minutes later, we were just about half way done. "Hey, remember that time when we were younger, Mum asked us to wash the dishes and we ended up flooding the kitchen with suds" Ron laughed


It was the summer of second year and Mrs. Weasley had asked Ron and I to wash the dishes after dinner. It was all going well, I was washing, he was drying, until he came up with a "fun idea"

Ron turned the tap up to the most amount that could come out, and got the bottle of "Extra Sudsy Wizard Soap" and squirted it into the stream of water. It went absolutely everywhere. Suds were piling and piling up, overflowing the sink and spilling out onto the floor.

I tried to give out to him but it was just too funny not to laugh at. I began giggling as he grabbed some and put it on his chin pretending to be Santa.

I grabbed a pile and shoved it into his face which made him fall backwards into the pile of suds. We started laughing hysterically as we began a suds war. That's until Mrs. Weasley found us and made us clean it all up.

*End of Flashback*

"Oohh my god I completely forgot about that!!" I gasped and started laughing. "Yeah why did we even have to clean the dishes, we can literally just use magic!" he exclaimed.

"It was probably to give us something to do and to stop us annoying everyone else" I giggled. "That's true" he chuckled.

We continued cleaning for another while until we were finally done. We were shocked to see that it was 10 o'clock! "Bloody hell, Harry and Hermione must be wondering where we are" said Ron. "Yeah let's go" I said and we walked back up to the common room.

We walked through the portrait and collapsed onto the couch. We were both exhausted after all of that cleaning. "There you's are! Where have you been? It's 10 o'clock!" yelled a frantic Hermione.

"Snape made us clean every single cauldron in the Potions room" I groaned. "Hermione thought yous had gotten yourselves killed" laughed Harry.

"Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised. We can be pretty stupid sometimes" laughed Ron and I joined in.

After a few minutes, I went to bed so I wouldn't be too tired the next morning. All I could think of that night was what Ron said about my eyes.

Does he really think I'm pretty? No he only said I have nice eyes, and practically everyone has nice eyes. Right?

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