Trouble in Potions

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"Y/n come on you have 5 minutes to get ready!" Hermione yelled. I groaned and got out of bed. I put on my uniform, I had grown a bit over the summer so the sleeves were a bit short and the skirt was much higher...

I definitely need to get a new one.

I effortlessly ran my brush through my hair, grabbed my books and ran out of the dormitory. As I entered the common room, Ron and Harry were just coming down their stairs.

Ron always looked so cute in his uniform. His top button of his shirt was open and the end of it was sticking out under his jumper. His red hair stuck out at the sides messily but in a nice way.

"Hello? Earth to y/n" said Ron. I snapped out of my trance after realizing how long I had been staring at him.I quickly looked up at him and said "Oh sorry what?" "Merlin we've been trying to talk to you for about 30 seconds! What were you looking at me for?" he chuckled.

My cheeks immediately started to blush. "Oh um I-I was daydreaming" I stuttered. "Okay well come on let's get breakfast I'm hungry" Ron grumbled, walking over to the portrait with Harry following him.

I looked up at Hermione giving her a look of "that was close". She just smirked back at me and followed the boys.

After eating breakfast, we went to our first class. It was potions, the perfect way to start our school year. We got there just in time so all the seats were taken except two sets of two in different places. The four of us looked at each other trying to decide where to sit.

"Weasley, Potter, Granger and y/l/n sit down now" said Snape from the top of the classroom in his dull tone. "Harry let's sit over here" whispered Hermione and they both sat down in one of the two sets of two seats.

Merlin Hermione is the best friend anyone could ever ask for. Ron and I looked at each other and sat down in the other two seats.

Snape was talking about some kind of antidote when Ron nudged me with his elbow. "So do you think Harry and Ginny actually like each other?" He whispered. I quickly looked at him and then to Snape and then back to him and leaned in closer. "Um I don't know" I whispered. I wasn't gonna tell Ginnys brother that she fancied his best friend.

He grunted. "Why do you care so much anyway" I whispered.

"Weasley, y/l/n, quiet" snapped Snape.

I moved away from Ron but he kept whispering "Well it would be depressing if my little sister gets in a relationship before I do. Especially with my best friend" I rolled my eyes.

"Well that's hardly going to be her fault is i- wait what about Lavender?" I whispered, feeling my face straighten with the thought of her. "Oh yeah well yeah I guess she was a relationship" he stuttered his cheeks going red. I didn't want to get in trouble again so I said "Ok Ron shush I don't want to get i-"

Ron interrupted by saying "I just would like to be with someone that will last forever. Someone I lo-""Enough! Weasley, y/l/n, first you are late to class, now you're distrupting the class. 25 points from Gryffindor and detention at 6:30 tonight" yelled Snape.

I stared up at him, my cheeks going red. Tears were starting to form in my eyes. To make it worse, I could hear Draco and his friends sniggering from the other side of the room.

Don't cry y/n, not now. It's only detention.

I blinked away the tears. This was my first detention I had ever gotten and it was all because of Ron. I quickly glared over at him to see him looking at me sympathetically. I looked back up at the board and didn't even glance at him for the rest of class.


When the bell rang for the next class, I grabbed my books and stormed out. I heard Ron saying "Y/n" but I didn't look back. I know it's only detention but it's not just that. I've been in Hogwarts for four years and I haven't got one single detention and I had planned on keeping it like that.

Our next class was Herbology so I made my way to the greenhouses by myself. A minute later, Ron, Hermione and Harry arrived. "Y/n look I'm so-" Ron started but I stopped him by saying "Ron I don't want to talk to you right now" and I went to the other side of the plant table with Hermione.

Hermione hadn't gotten any detentions either so she felt really bad for me. "Y/n don't worry, it's not that bad. Snape gives detentions to everyone" she said. "Ugh I know but I hate getting in trouble and it's all because of stupid Ron!" I snapped. Then Professor Sprout walked in and we had our Herbology lesson.

After that it was lunch. Hermione and I left before Ron and Harry had gathered up their stuff. As we were in the corridor walking to the Great Hall, someone tugged my arm from behind. It was Ron, he pulled me over to the edge of the corridor away from everyone else.

"Ouch Ron, what is it?" I said. "Y/n why won't you let me talk to you? Look, I'm really sorry for getting you into detention, I really am" he pleaded. I looked up at him and said "Ron you do realize this is my first detention. I was planning on not ever getting any but you ruined it" he stared at me, not knowing what to say.

"Ugh maybe I'm just being stupid. It's only a detention so why do I feel like I've been told I'm going to Askaban!" I could feel tears forming in my eyes and then one fell down my face.

No no no why can I not just have a simple angry conversation without crying!!

"Ron I'm sorry for ignoring you. I really have to start letting loose a bit. It's so annoying how I put so much pressure on myself to be perfect and not get in trouble and now because of one stupid detention I'm taking it out on you and I'm just really sor-" Ron stopped me by pulling me into a hug. I buried my head into his chest crying as he rubbed his hand on my back.

After a minute he said "Y/n I'm so sorry. I didn't know you cared this much. I shouldn't have kept annoying you in Potions" he pushed me away slightly and looked into my tear filled eyes. He almost looked as upset as I did. He placed his hand on my cheek and wiped the tears away as I gave him a small smile.

"At least you'll be there" I said quietly. "And you know what? It's just a detention, it's not like it's going to go on any important records or anything" I giggled. "Yeah stop beating yourself up about it. I'm sure we'll have lots of fun" Ron laughed. I sniffed and said "I guess we better go to lunch" "Yeah I'm starving" replied Ron.

He wrapped his arm around my neck as I wrapped mine around his waist and we walked down the corridor to the Great Hall.

It was then that I realized: I was in love with Ron Weasley.

AN: Ok I know this chapter is really cringey but I thought it was kinda cute so yeah. Also, a lot of you might be wondering why she got so upset just because of a detention but that's probably what I would do so sorry if that's not something you would do haha.

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