Department of Mysteries

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A lot had happened since the Spring break. Harry got a vision that Voldemort had captured Sirius and is torturing him in the Ministry of magic.

That is where we are now heading to. Luna came up with the idea to fly there on Thestrals.
Ron and I hopped up on one with great difficulty, considering we couldn't actually see them.
I grabbed hold of Ron's waist as we lifted off the ground. I let out a shriek as we flew through the air.

"Alright love?" Ron chuckled, looking over his shoulder at me. "Not really" I replied, hiding my face in his neck. He placed one of his hands on my arms and we soared above the clouds.

As soon as we landed, we ran as fast as we could to the Department of Mysteries. There were shelves upon shelves of prophecies. When we got to the place where Harry had said Sirius was, we found it empty.

"He was here, I saw him here" Harry exclaimed. "Harry are you sure Voldemort wasn't just trying to trick you?" Hermione asked. With that, Lucius Malfoy appeared along with Bellatrix.

They tried to take Harry's prophecy from him but we wouldn't let them. More and more death eaters appeared so we had to try defend ourselves. We split off from each other, each fighting a death eater. I cast Stupefy spells at as many as I could and eventually we got rid of most of them. Ginny cast a Reducto spell on the shelves of prophecies as we ran to the door.

As we ran through, we plummeted hundreds of feet to the floor screaming. Ron grabbed my waist but just as we were inches from the floor we stopped mid-air and landed gently on the ground.

We looked around, all out of breath. There was a raised stone dais in the center of the room. Upon it stood a stone archway with a veil. "Do you hear that?" asked Harry. "Hear what?" I asked. "The voices" but before he could say anymore, the death eaters surrounded us again. There was a mess of black swirls and in the blink of an eye, we were each grabbed hold of by a death eater.

The death eater that had me had his arm across my chest and his wand pointed at my head. I tried kicking him to get out of his hold but it was no use. "You know you look just like your father" he snarled. "Too bad he's dead" he said with an awful grin. "Leave her alone!" yelled Ron from the other side of the room but that just caused his death eater to hold him tighter.

Lucius approached Harry and demanded him to give him the prophecy or else we die.
Harry reluctantly gave it to him but before Lucius could do anything with it, Sirius snook up behind him and said "Get away from my godson" before punching him in the face.

With that, the rest of the Order apparated into the room. Remus appeared next to Sirius and squeezed his shoulder saying "Nice punch" before the fights broke out. Ron and I took on three death eaters as the others took on the rest of them.

We had taken down the three of them and joined Sirius, Remus and Harry in a corner behind the stone arch. "You've all done beautifully" said Sirius. "Now take the others and get out of here"
"What? No we're staying with you!" exclaimed Harry. "Sirius, should we call for more backup? We're completely outnumbered, we can't risk going back out there" said Remus worriedly. Sirius turned to him taking his hand and said "Moony don't worry, we've got this. We've defeated them before so we can do it again"

Remus nodded gravely and gave Sirius a small smile. Ron and I took that as our queue to leave and hide behind a rock but I faintly heard Remus say "I love you" and Sirius respond with "I love you too." As Ron and I got behind the rock with Hermione, we saw them exchange a quick kiss before jumping back into action. Remus joined Tonks who was tackling three death eaters.

Sirius and Harry went against Lucius and another death eater right in front of the veil.
All that Ron, Hermione and I could do was watch in worry. Harry quickly disarmed Lucius and Sirius proudly said "Nice one James." I sadly glanced at Ron. I could hear my heart pounding out of my chest. Everyone's focus was on them.

All of a sudden Bellatrix appeared on a rock above Sirius. "Sirius!" Remus yelled but it was too late. Bellatrix pointed her wand at Sirius yelling "Avada kadavra" hitting him straight in the chest. We all let out a gasp as he turned to Remus and Harry and with a smile still etched upon his face, fell backwards into the veil.

I fell to my knees crying, Sirius and I had been so close over the last few years. Remus was standing in shock, as pale as a ghost but he knew the right thing to do. He ran and grabbed Harry before he could run to the veil. "No!" yelled Harry and he broke down in Remus's arms crying. Remus was still staring into the veil as if he wanted to run in after Sirius himself.

Harry eventually broke free to run after Bellatrix and Remus let him go, too tired and heartbroken to restrain him. Once Harry ran out of the room, Remus collapsed onto the floor, still not taking his eyes off the veil. The love of his life was dead. He's the only one left. He has nobody.

"S-Sirius" he spluttered, tears rolling down his cheeks. Ron, Hermione and I glanced at each other before going over. We huddled around him as he sobbed into his hands. I rubbed his back as Hermione whispered "We're so sorry Lupin" "H-he's gone, he's really gone this time" Remus cried. I stifled a cry, trying to give him as much comfort as possible. Tonks came over and held him in and embrace and nodded at us as if to say "I'll take it from here."

I felt absolutely terrible for Remus and Harry. I couldn't believe that Sirius was actually gone. The three of us headed into The Atrium to find Harry lying on the floor looking somewhat possessed. To our horror, Voldemort was standing above him. Ron grabbed my hand and we just stared dazedly, numbed of all emotion after the day we've had.

Voldemort then disappeared in a cloud of dust and we spluttered a sigh of relief, running over to make sure Harry was alright.

A/N: Hey guys I'm so sorry for this one, it had to be done 😭 Also sorry about how long it took for me to write, I'm in the middle of loads of exams, I'm in an exam year so it's really stressful but I'll try to write as much as I can! <3
Oh also, Happy birthday Moony!!🥳

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