Chudley Canons Match

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Mrs. Weasley woke me up at 6am the next morning. I was quite tired, but excited for the day ahead of me. It would be Ron and I's first proper outing with just the two of us. I put on a white tank top and jeans.

I walked down to the kitchen to see Ron waffling down toast. He was wearing a Chudley Canons jersey and bottoms. "Y/n there you are! We're gonna be late, come on!" he said excitedly. "Ron it's only 6:15 and it doesn't start until 11 calm down" I giggled. "Oh, right."

He looked down at my outfit. "Sorry, I didn't have anything orange" I said. "Come with me" he said and he pulled me up to his room. Harry was still fast asleep. Ron dug through his wardrobe. "I should have one of my old jerseys in here som- aha" he pulled out a worn-looking Chudley Canons jersey and handed it to me.

We walked out into the hall so we wouldn't wake Harry. "Ron thank you so much! This is just what I needed" I said as I pulled it over my head. It went just past my thighs and was pretty loose on the neck, even though this was one of Ron's old jerseys from when he was younger.

"It looks great on you" he grinned and we went back downstairs.

I packed some drinks and snacks in my bag and we were ready to go.

"There's a portkey up at the hill that will bring you to the match. It's a boot" Mrs. Weasley told us.

We left and headed to the hill.

The sun was still only rising so it was really nice out. The sky was light orange and we could hear the birds chirping in the trees. Ron was walking hastily and kept saying "Come on we're gonna be late"

He really was excited for this.

We finally got to the boot after a 20 minute walk.

We held hands and touched the boot. We were lifted up into the air. We held tightly onto each other's hands. I was screaming because it was only the second time I had ever used a portkey.

As we fell back down to the ground, my hand slipped out of Ron's. I began screaming his name, my arms and legs scrambling all over the place, not knowing where he had gone. I suddenly hit the grass lying flat on my back. I was breathing heavily after that traumatic moment.

He suddenly appeared above me with his hand in front of my face for me to take. My eyes were bulged. "Got a bit panicked there?" he chuckled sarcastically. "Just a bit" I replied, flushed.

We then took in our surroundings. There were stalls set up everywhere selling merchandise and food. It smelled like hotdogs and candy floss. There was a huge stadium in the distance.

We still had 2 hours until the match started.

I looked up at Ron who was beaming, looking around everywhere, fascinated by everything. "So... whatcha wanna do?" I asked. "Hmm... eat?" Ron said eagerly. I rolled my eyes giggling. "Of course that's what you want to do. Come on then" I said walking over to the stalls.

We both got a hot dog and sat on the grass eating. It was a really nice, sunny day.

The game was starting in 30 minutes so we decided to go get our seats. We were seated in the middle of the stadium. We had a perfect view of the whole pitch.

"This is gonna be the best day of my life" Ron said, excitedly bouncing up and down. I shook my head at him laughing.

"Ron your gonna waste all of your energy before the game even starts" I chuckled.

Eventually, the commentator started talking, his wand projecting his voice throughout the whole stadium. "Please welcome to the stadium, The Chudley Canons!"

Ron and I both jumped up and started cheering loudly as the team flew out onto the pitch, waving to the fans. Ron was absolutely ecstatic. "Oh my god y/n, were actually here and they're actually there" he said in disbelief.

Next, out came the Holyhead Harpies. Ron rolled his eyes and said "Ginnys favourite."

He was right. She had posters all over her bedroom wall of the players.

The match began, Ron stood the whole time cheering the team on.

The match had been going on for about 2 hours. The score was 430-380 to the Holyhead Harpies. Ron was looking a bit disappointed but still had hope. He kept whispering to himself "Come on, come on, come on, catch the snitch"

Suddenly, we could see the two seekers trail off downwards. They were flying right next to each other with one hand stretched out in front of them, trying to reach the golden snitch directly in front of them. They were flying just above the grass, their feet practically touching it. The whole stadium was screaming.

"Come on!" Ron and I yelled. Just then, the Chudley Canons seeker lunged forward with his hand still outstretched, falling head first onto the grass, tumbling and standing back up with the golden snitch clasped in his hand.

The stadium erupted into cheers. Ron jumped up and down punching his fist in the air screaming "Yes! Yes!" I cheered alongside him, pleased that the first Chudley Canons match Ron went to, was a victory.

He turned to face me and hugged me while still jumping up and down. "Yay I'm so happy for you Ron" I squealed. "Yeah that was a brilliant game. They played bloody excellent" he exclaimed.

Once the players left the pitch, everyone started leaving the stadium. "We better get back to the portkey quickly before we're late for it" I said. Ron agreed and we rushed back to it.

We were transported back to the hill. We stood there for a moment, catching our breath after our long, eventful day. As we began walking home, Ron said "Y/n thank you so much for today, it was so much fun-one of the best days of my life!" and took my hand.

"No problem, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I had a great time too, thanks for taking me" I said.

"I wouldn't have dreamed of bringing anyone else" he replied, grinning at me. I giggled and reached up to kiss him.

We arrived home just as the sun was beginning to set. Everyone rushed to hear about it.             We filled them in on the whole day as we ate dinner.

"I can't believe the Chudley Canons won! I thought the Holyhead Harpies would for sure!" Ginny said disappointedly.

"Hmm maybe because the Chudleys are better?" Ron said sarcastically. "Shut up" scoffed Ginny.

Ron and I were both exhausted after the long day and went to bed early.

As we walked up the first flight of stairs together, I said "I can't wait for our Valentine's Day picnic tomorrow!" "Yeah me too! I've got it all set up" he said sneakily. "Aw, well I'll see you tomorrow! Night!" I said kissing him on the cheek and heading into Ginny's room.

As I lay in bed, I relived the whole day in my head. It's definitely one of the best days I've ever had.

I can't imagine being with anyone but Ron. He's the best boyfriend I could ever ask for! I love him. It's about time I tell him. I just hope he loves me too! I don't know when I'll tell him... it has to be the perfect moment and I need to know he loves me too.

More Than Friends (Ron Weasley x Reader Fan fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن