Midnight Outing

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Ron and I both suddenly stopped in our tracks. I could feel his grip on my hand tighten. Both of our faces flamed red at our sudden realization that our families and friends had just witnessed our fist kiss.

We both slowly turned towards each other with our mouths wide open but then started laughing. This was our luck. We decided that we couldn't stay out there all night and went to face everyone. As we stepped through the door, we were surrounded by hugs from everyone.

"I always knew you two would end up together" said my Mum as she wrapped us both in a hug.

"Me too!" exclaimed Mrs. Weasley coming over as well. Ron and I were speechless. We couldn't believe they all saw that.

Ron and I were both blushing profusely as everyone was swarming around us. Suddenly I was grabbed by the wrist and pulled out of the kitchen by Hermione and Ginny. As we entered the living room they were silent before Hermione closed the door and we all squealed.

"There's no way that just happened! I've got to be dreaming!" I exclaimed, fanning my face because of how overwhelmed I was. "No we saw every single bit! That's the most romantic thing I've ever seen!" Hermione swooned. "Yeah it was so cute!" added Ginny.

"How did everyone see? Everyone was busy before I went outside!" I exclaimed. "Well you see" started Hermione, "Gin and I were sitting there on the couch when we heard Mrs. Weasley go "awww" from the kitchen so we rushed in."

"Then" said Ginny, "we looked out the window which our Mums were looking out to see you and Ron standing verrryy close to each other and then..." "You's kissed!" squealed Hermione.

"Then we heard the twins and Harry whooping upstairs and they came thudding down the stairs. They must have been looking out their window" said Ginny rolling her eyes.

"Then the twins started yelling "it's happening it's happening" so the whole house crowded into the kitchen" said Hermione.

"Oh god I cannot believe that happened!" I yelled covering my face with my hands.

"Well think about it this way, at least now you don't have to go through telling all of us, that would be really awkward" said Ginny reassuringly. "That's a good point" I replied laughing.

The next moment, Ron walked into the living room and said "Dinner will be ready in two minutes". Hermione and Ginny walked over to the door and on her way out, Hermione tightly hugged Ron and squealed "Congratulations!" and ran out. Ron loosely hugged her back awkwardly and chuckled "Thanks".

Ron and I both locked eyes for a second and then quickly looked back down at the floor laughing.

"So..." he said awkwardly. "So..." I responded, giggling. He walked over to me and grabbed my hands. "Y/n, is this official? Are we really doing this?" he asked. "Is this what you want?" I asked, worrying for a second that he didn't actually want us to be in a relationship.

"I want this more than anything" he replied. "Me too Ron" I said, looking into his eyes. He grinned and looked down at his feet. "Well then y/n" he said, looking back into my eyes, "Will you be my girlfriend?" I started blushing again. "Yes" I replied, stepping forward and kissing him.

I've wanted this for years, I've imagined it, I've dreamed of it and now it was official. Ron and I were finally more than friends.


We walked back into the kitchen holding hands, not making eye contact with any of the staring eyes. We sat down next to each other at the table and silently started eating.

"Wow" said George. "Our baby brother was able to get a girl without our help."

I couldn't help but laugh along with everybody else, even Ron joined in. "So is it official then?" asked Fred, "Are you two boyfriend and girlf-" "Fred shut up! Let them sort it out themselves!" yelled Ginny. My eyes were looking down at my plate when Ron cleared his throat and said "In a matter of fact, yes" he looked at me "We are". I smiled at him as everyone gave sounds of delight.

After dinner, we wanted to go to bed early because the next day was Christmas. Hermione, Ginny and I went up to our room. We got into our pyjamas and went to bed.

About half an hour had passed, I could hear Hermione and Ginnys snores. Just as I was about to enter a deep sleep, I was shaken awake. I jumped and sat up.

Ron was crouching down beside my sleeping bag.

"Ron! What the hell are you doing in here at this time?" I whisper shouted, while trying to fix my hair. I probably looked like a mess right now. "Come on do you wanna go outside? And you look fine by the way" he said. I glanced at my watch, it was 11 o'clock. I hesitated before saying "Well alright then".

Ron held out his hand and pulled me up. We crept down the stairs, put our coats on and snook outside. We went over to the big oak tree on the small hill in their garden. We sat down beside it on the damp grass. "Finally we have some peace and quiet" Ron exhaled. "Yeah" I giggled, looking down at the grass.

"You know y/n, I've wanted this to happen for years now" Ron said, looking at me. My mouth opened wide in surprise as I looked up at him wide-eyes. "Ron, so have I!" I exclaimed.

We burst out laughing. "So we've wasted all this time just because we were too scared to do anything about it" chuckled Ron.

"Yup. But it was worth it" I responded, looking into his eyes. He leaned forward and gave me a gentle kiss on my lips. I shuffled over so that I was sitting beside him and laid my head on his shoulder as we both looked up at the stars. "The night sky is always so pretty" I said quietly.

"Not as pretty as you" he replied. I laughed and elbowed him because of how cheesy that was.

About 15 minutes later, the cold started to get to us. Our teeth started to chatter so we decided to go inside. We snook back up the stairs. As we arrived at Ginnys room, I said "Goodnight" and kissed him on the cheek. "Goodnight love" he responded, doing the same to me.

As I lay down, beginning to drift off to sleep, my head was full of thoughts. I was still blushing from him calling me "love".

All my wishes and dreams had come true today. All of my hoping was over and I could finally call Ron my boyfriend.

More Than Friends (Ron Weasley x Reader Fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang