Gossiping and Hogwarts Letters

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I walked into Ginnys room to see Ginny and Hermione sitting on Ginnys bed chatting. The second they saw me they both yelled "Spill!" "Spill what?" I asked. "What's going on between you and Ron? We've seen how you two have been looking at each other all day." said Hermione.

"I don't know what your talking about" I replied quickly. Again, my cheeks were going bright red.

"Oh my Godric y/n, are you in love with my brother?" exclaimed Ginny.

"WHAT? No way! Come on guys he's my best friend, and even if I did like him I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship!" I said.

"So that's a yes?" asked Hermione. "Ehh I- well- you see-uugghh fine maybe I do like Ron" I gave in. Hermione and Ginny both started squealing in excitement. "Guys stop it! Some ones gonna hear y-" and with that there was a knock on the door and in walked the one and only Ron Weasley.

All three of our heads turned to face him. Hermione and Ginny with a look of shock and excitement on their faces and me with a look of embarrassment.

"What the bloody hell is going on in here?" Ron asked chuckling.

"N-nothing" I replied already feeling my cheeks burning. "Okay... well Mum told me to tell you's to be quiet" he said. "Okay now get out Ron" Ginny said pushing him out. "Alright alright I'm leaving! Goodnight-again!" he said. "Goodnight!" we said back.

"So how come you haven't told us that you liked Ron before?" Hermione asked.

"Well to be honest, I didn't know for sure until I told you's a few minutes ago. I mean I guess I've always kinda felt some kinda way towards him but I just didn't know what that feeling was" I said.

"Well you've got to tell him y/n" Ginny pleaded.

"No way! There's no way he feels the same way" I shouted back. "Oh you are so oblivious! You clearly haven't seen the way he looks at you!" Hermione said with a smirk.

"Right I'm going to sleep. Goodnight!" I said. "Goodnight" they said as we all hopped into our beds. Hermione and I were sleeping in sleeping bags on the floor like we always did when we stayed at the Burrow.

I was awake for hours that night just thinking about Ron.

I wonder if Hermione and Ginny are right! Could Ron possibly feel the same way about me? He couldn't! If he did he would have asked me to the Yule ball last year, not Lavender Brown.


The next the morning, I woke up to a commotion downstairs in the sitting room, and then I remembered that Harry's hearing was today!

I quickly jumped out of bed to see that Hermione was already gone and ran down the stairs. The whole Order was there wishing Harry luck.

Hermione had Harry wrapped in a tight hug.

"Harry good luck" I said as I wrapped my arms around him. "Thanks I'll need it" he muttered. "Don't worry mate you'll be fine" said Ron reassuringly patting him on the shoulder.

Harry walked out the door and because it was 5:30 in the morning, Hermione, Ron and I went back up to bed.

We got up again at 9:30 and went downstairs. We sat at the table but barely had any appetite because we were so nervous for Harry, well, except Ron of course who was already halfway through his second slice of toast.

All of a sudden Harry came bounding through the door shouting "I was cleared, I'm cleared!" ecstatically.

We all cheered and stood up to give him a hug.

"We knew you would be" I said.

We all sat down and continued eating until there was a clatter on the window with Errol lying on the window sill. Ron ran over and grabbed 6 letters out of his beak. "It's our Hogwarts letters!" he cried handing them out.

I opened mine to find my book list and my welcome back letter. I looked up at Ron to see him with his eyes wide open in shock. "Um Ron are you alright?" I asked, not sure to laugh or be worried. "I- go- I'm a-" he stuttered. Still staring down at his envelope.

"Come again?" I chuckled. He cleared his throat and looked at me. He held up a gold badge saying "Prefect" on it. "I'm a prefect" he said smiling.

My jaw dropped."Oh my god Ron that's amazing! I'm so happy for you!" I squealed as I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him.

Then the rest of the family noticed and started congratulating him. I saw that Hermione was a prefect too and I praised her as well. I was so proud of them.

We had a massive dinner that night to celebrate and we went to bed stuffed.

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