Snowball Fight

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We had finally finished our last class of the term and we were heading off to the Burrow first thing the next morning. We spent the rest of the day packing. According to Molly, it was snowing there so we packed our snow clothes.

We all went to bed early that night so we could wake up early to go the next morning.

 I woke up at half 6 because of how excited I was. I was even up before Hermione, HERMIONE!

I couldn't get back to sleep so I decided to go down to the common room to read. I read on the couch for about half an hour before Ron suddenly appeared at the bottom of the stairs and walked over to me. "Oh, hi Ron, this is early for you" I giggled. "I know but I just can't wait to go home for Christmas" he said sitting on the couch beside me.

"Me too, that's why I'm up, I just couldn't sleep!" I said excitedly. "I say we leave straight after breakfast" "Definitely" Ron replied.

He began to read his book as I continued to read mine. About 20 minutes later, he closed his and looked at me. "You know, it's gonna be really fun with you guys at the Burrow for the whole Christmas holidays" he said. "Yeah, especially with the snow- oh my god we have to do a snow ball fight with everyone!" I squealed.

"Yeah!!" And then in the evenings we can drink hot chocolate an-" "Watch movies!" I interrupted. "This is gonna be the best Christmas holiday ever" I said. "Yeah it will" he replied.

Eventually everyone else woke up and came downstairs.

We went to the Great Hall for breakfast and rushed back up to leave. We grabbed our trunks and went to the fireplace in the common room. Angelina Johnson, George's girlfriend was coming too.

We used floo powder to get to the Burrow. Once we arrived in their fireplace, we stepped out and were greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. "Oh my dears" exclaimed Mrs. Weasley, wrapping us in a big hug.

We said our hellos and went upstairs to drop off our stuff in the rooms. When I came back down, everyone had realized how much snow there was outside. Ron and I looked at each other knowingly and before we could even say it, the twins yelled "SNOWBALL FIGHT!"

We all agreed and ran to get into our snow gear. I put my tracksuit on along with my big winter coat, hat and gloves. As I walked out the back door, I could feel the bitter, cold air on my face. "Good lord, it's freeeeezing" I squealed.

"Yeah let's start before I freeze to death" said Harry.

"Ok what are the teams?" asked George.

"How about me, Hermione, Ron and y/n against George, Angelina,Harry and Ginny?" Fred suggested.

Everyone was happy with that and we walked over to the big patch of grass. "Okay on 3" yelled George. "1,2,3, GO"

I ran over to the trees and started making snowballs. Hermione was doing the same thing while everyone else just went straight to throwing them at each other. I ran back over and flung a snowball to hit Harry right in the face."Thanks" he yelled, wiping the snow off his face. "No problem" I replied laughing. 

We had been throwing snowballs at each other for about 30 minutes. I had just hit George in the face so I had a feeling he was gonna try get me back. I started jogging backwards, keeping an eye on him.

When I saw him quickly gather up snow, I turned around as fast as I could and with full force, ran straight into Ron knocking him backwards, with me lying on top of him.

Why did this always have to happen?

I stared down at him in shock for a second before bursting into laughter. "Ron I'm so sorry!" I said. "Don't worry about it" he said looking up at me smiling. I looked into his eyes and stopped laughing. He looked so cute lying there with a red nose and cheeks, snowflakes on his eyelashes. 

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