Christmas Morning

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The next morning, we were awoken by Fred and George pounding on our door shouting "Get up, it's Christmas!"

I sat up and smiled as all the memories from yesterday came flooding back.

"Merry Christmas!" I cheered looking over at Hermione and Ginny. "Happy Christmas" Hermione said back. "What time is it?" Ginny muttered from under her duvet. "Oh my god it's only half 6" I replied, looking down at my watch."Oh well, I guess it's Christmas"

"And you have your new boyfriend to look forward to" Hermione said, grinning at you.

"Oh yeah!" exclaimed Ginny, bolting up in bed.

We made our way downstairs to find everyone already there waiting for us, adults on the couches and kids sitting on the floor. "Finally!" yelled the twins.

Everyone said Happy Christmas to each other as we sat down.

I took a seat next to Ron, smiling at him. He leaned over closer to me and whispered "Merry Christmas love" as he placed his hand onto mine on the floor.

Hearing him call me "love" gave me butterflies in my stomach straight away.

I whispered back "You too" giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Mrs. Weasley handed out our presents from her and Mr. Weasley. We each got a new knitted sweater with our initial on it, like we got each year.

I always loved Mrs. Weasley's sweaters because of how soft and cozy they were. I glanced over at Ron to see we had matching maroon sweaters. He looked up and saw mine and grinned. "Thanks Mum" he said, beaming.

We all put our sweaters over our pyjama tops.

Everyone began handing out their gifts. I had given out all of mine except for Ron's. Before I could give it to him, he slid a present into my lap saying "And last but certainly not least, for you" I looked up into his eyes and said "Aw thanks Ron" smiling.

I looked down to see a sort of messily wrapped present but it did really look like he tried his best. I carefully opened it, trying not ripping it.

It was a rectangular box with a lid. I opened it up to see a little piece of checkered cloth. I giggled, not sure what it was. I picked it up to reveal a little note underneath. Right before I read it, Ron said "Oh, just so you know, I wrote that last night" I looked down and read it.

Dear y/n,

First I want to say that I am over the moon that you are finally my girlfriend and I can actually kiss you and not just imagine it. I'm glad that all my waiting is finally over but it was totally worth it for you.

I want you to know that I will always be here for you, whether that will be for you to talk for hours on end about things you like, or if you just need a shoulder to cry on. No matter what, I will always care about you and will always tell you how beautiful you are because there's not a single day that you don't look perfect.

I know I can be really moody sometimes or just annoying in general, but don't ever take it personally, I'm probably just having a bad day.

I want you to feel like you can tell me anything and always trust me because I trust you with my life.

Anyways, my Christmas present to you is a picnic. Next February, during Spring break, I'm going to set up a picnic for the two of us on whatever day you like. I hope you'll enjoy it because I'm really looking forward to it!

Lots of love,

Ron xx

By the time I had finished reading, I had tears streaming down my face.

Why does he have to be so cute?

"I know it's not much but I thought you'd lik-" before he could finish, I wrapped him in a hug.

"Ron I love it!" I exclaimed, pulling away. He seemed surprised and proud of himself. "This letter is the sweetest thing I've ever read thank you so much Ron" I said, kissing him. "No problem" he said as we pulled away.

"Now this is probably never going to top that, but here" I giggled, wiping away my tears and handing him the card with the tickets in it.

He opened the envelope and pulled the card out. He then opened the card quite slowly and his eyes widened to the size of golf balls when he saw what was inside. "WHA-I-BU-YOU" he stuttered, completely speechless.

"Come again?" I giggled. He hastily placed the card and tickets down on the floor and wrapped his arms around my waist, picking me up and spinning me around. "I take it you like them then" I said as he placed me back down.

"I- y/n is this actually real? It's not a joke?" he asked. "No it's not a joke" I chuckled. "Y/n I don't know what to say! Thank you so much this is the best present I have literally ever gotten!" he exclaimed, picking them up again.

Seeing the excitement in his eyes was totally worth every gallon spent on them.

He sat down on a chair and as he stared down at them, I could even see tears in his eyes because of how happy he was.

I walked over and leaned my hands on his shoulders. "Ron are you actually crying?" I asked, leaning over his shoulder. He sniffed and croakily said "Wha- no I'm just so happy! I've never seen them play live before, y/n your literally my favourite person on the planet."

I giggled and said "Well your my favourite person on the planet too" giving him a kiss on the cheek. All of the boys had then realized what Ron got and were really excited for him.

"Oh yeah and I got you two so you can choose who you'd like to go with" I said and walked over to Ginny and Hermione.

Ginny was in awe of the emerald necklace Harry had got her. "Wow Gin that's gorgeous!" I exclaimed. "Y/n we saw you crying! What did Ron get you?" asked Hermione.

I told them about the letter and picnic and they found it really cute.

For the rest of the morning, everyone just opened their presents and chatted.

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