Ice Skating

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A few days had passed of having fun in the snow. The eight of us were going ice skating so we put lots of layers of clothes on and set off.

It was a 10 minute walk to the frozen lake. I love walking in the snow because I find it satisfying  to watch my feet sink with every step I take. I looked ahead of me to see Fred flirting with Hermione. I shook my head laughing. He flirts with everyone but I'm pretty sure that Hermione actually likes him. George and Angelina were together of course and Harry and Ginny.

Ron suddenly ran up from behind me. "Cold isn't it" he said, rubbing his hands together. "No actually the snow is really heating me up" I joked. For a split second he looked at me in confusion and then quickly realized I was joking and started laughing. "God your slow Ronald" I giggled, nudging him in the arm.

A few minutes later he asked "Have you ever been ice skating before?" "Um, no so I might have to get someone to teach me" I chuckled. "Oh, I can do that. I am an expert after all" Ron said, puffing out his chest. I laughed and said "Thank you but it will probably take a while. I'm quite clumsy" "No problem, I've nothing else to do" he replied.

We arrived at the frozen lake and used our wands to turn our shoes into ice skates. I was starting to get nervous, thinking about how sore it would be to fall on the hard ice. Everyone else knew how to skate from being with the Weasleys all of the other Christmases, but this was my first time.

I stumbled over to the edge of the lake looking anxiously at the ice. I held my foot out and then quickly brought it back to the grass. Suddenly Ron skated over and held out his hand. I looked at him and then to his hand. I took it and slowly stepped down. I had one foot down and as I was bringing the other foot, I slipped but Ron quickly grabbed my waist and straightened me up.

I blushed looking down laughing. "Told you I was clumsy" I giggled. He chuckled and pulled me along. "Ron slow down I'm gonna fall!" I squealed, trying to steady myself. I tightened my grip on Ron's hand. I looked around, seeing everyone else gliding around gracefully and here I was like a baby deer learning how to walk.

We came to a stop in the middle of the lake. "Okay, so if anytime you want to slow down, you have to point your toes inwards" said Ron showing me with his feet. "And to move, you have to push yourself along with your feet pointing out." "Okay" I said confidently. I pushed off Ron to give me a push start.

I pointed my toes out and glided a few meters. "I'm doing it!" I yelled. Ron skated over and said "Wow, very good for your first try."

We practiced for about an hour until I finally got the hang of it.

We then went over to the others. They were impressed with how fast I learned. "Well I wouldn't be nearly as good if it wasn't for Ron's expert teaching skills" I giggled. Ron looked quite proud of himself while everyone else just chuckled along.

We all skated around for another hour. As we were finishing up, I started skating over to the edge of the lake. I could hear Fred and George messing and getting closer to me, but didn't think much of it.

All of a sudden they yelled "Y/n, watch out!" but it was too late, they banged right into me, making me fall over. On my way down I twisted my ankle because of the heavy ice skate. I was lying on my back on the ice, as well as Fred and George. Ron rushed over on his skates. "Y/n are you alright?" he yelled worriedly. "You bloody idiots" he spat at the twins.

My right ankle was in so much pain. It was probably the most pain I've ever been in. I could feel tears falling down my face. Ron grabbed my arms and tried to stand me on my feet but as I put my right foot down I yelped and hit the floor again. I let out a sob and tried my best not to cry, but it wasn't working.

Everyone else had come over. "Y/n what happened?" asked Hermione bending down beside me. Ron was still holding onto me. "I-can't-move-my-ankle" I said between sobs. Ron was rubbing my shoulders as everyone tried to figure out what to do. At last, I got my breathing under control. "I think I might have broken it because of how heavy these ice skates are" I said.

"Y/n we're really sorry, we didn't mean to run into you like that" said Fred. "No it's fine I should have been paying better attention" I replied. "No y/n, it's entirely their fault" Ginny said rolling her eyes at them.

"Okay I'll try walking again" I said, grabbing onto Ron's arm. He very slowly brought me to my feet. I tried walking but fell straight into Ron's arms again. "Ugh sorry but I really can't walk" I said. "What should we do?" asked Harry. There was silence until Ron said "I can carry her." All of our eyes shot to him. "Um, Ron it's a 10 minute walk, would you be able to manage?" I asked.

"Yeah it's fine, your not heavy" he replied. "Do you want me or Fred to do it? We're taller" said George. "No I can" replied Ron. I looked around for everyone's opinion. I didn't want Ron to have to lift me all the way home, but it was our only choice.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he picked me up bridal-style "Are you sure this is okay Ron?" I asked. "Of course" he replied smiling. We made our way home. Believe it or not, it was relatively comfortable in Ron's arms like this. Every few minutes we'd both lock eyes and look away blushing.

Looking into his beautiful blue eyes just made me want to kiss him there and then, but obviously I wasn't going to because that would just be dumb. 

More Than Friends (Ron Weasley x Reader Fan fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें