Chapter 7

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Hana's POV

"Daddy, I missed you!" Sarah says as she hugs her dad.

"Did you? I missed you too sweetheart." He kisses her cheek and she smiles showing off her dimples. "Melody, give us a minute." Sahil tells the woman and she gives him a weak smile before getting up to leave. But she did not remove her eyes from me for a single second.

Calm down, Hana. Calm down. It's not what you're thinking. I'm sure it isn't.

I was expecting him to ask what is it that I wanted to ask him, but instead, he says, "Do you guys want to eat anything?"

"We just ate dinner. Hana made a delicious meal for all of us." Sarah answers.

"All of us?" Sahil questions.

"Yasmine came over," I explain.

"I want ice cream!" Sarah says in excitement.

"Then let's all go get ice cream." Sahil replies and Sarah jumps up and down as her dad grabs his suit's blazer. I'll have to admit he already looked fire without the blazer.

Sahil picks Sarah up before we walked to the door and he opened it for me, allowing me to leave ahead.

"Thank you, Mr Aasim." I give him a small smile and I noticed the confusion in his expression.

Probably because I called him Mr Aasim. Was Qasim telling the truth when he said that Sahil doesn't like me calling him Mr Aasim?

I felt like Sahil was going to say something but I leave the office before he had the chance.

We say goodbye to Mrs Halima on our way out and as we walked to the ice cream place, it did not feel real. Anybody who saw us would think we are a normal family enjoying a beautiful day outside, but little do they know that this is the first time we ever walk out like a normal family. On top of that, everybody is staring at us. They recognise Sahil for certain, but I'm sure they are probably wondering 'who is the lady with him. I doubt many people know. We didn't do a wedding party and neither I nor Sahil are the type to be posting on social media.

"What did you guys do today?" Sahil asks and I look at him to make sure he was speaking to me since Sarah did not answer as she ate her ice cream with satisfaction. So, he is really asking me about my day? I would like to know what goes through his mind. He is so unpredictable.

"Uh..." I look down at my ice cream, trying to organise my thoughts. "Besides from Sarah's Spanish lessons, we pretty much spent the day at the park in the garden, except when Yasmine came by." I limit it to that. He is probably just asking out of courtesy... Although he seemed interested when he asked. "How long more are you staying at work...? Sarah misses you." I tell him and for some reason that made him look at me. I am so not talking in the first person plural ever again. That one time was a mistake... Or was it?

"What about you?" His question came out as a surprise to me. I gulp, but no words come out.

I look down at my ice cream once again and I guess that told him that I wouldn't answer. I'm not being the first one to become affectionate. I need to know if he feels the same way first. So far, his attitude has not proven anything yet.

I look at Sarah and she already had a little moustache from eating the ice cream. Both I and Sahil smile at the fact and I am surprised to see him smile. As I said, he rarely does it.

"Here, love. Let me wipe that for you." I grab a tissue and she allows me to clean it off her. "That's it, but maybe we still need to clean it with some water so it doesn't get sticky," I tell her and she smiles as she nods.

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