Chapter 4

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I shook awake, and now I have a headache. I look at my surroundings and I'm in a different room. I get up to see where I am at.

I opened the door and walk down the stairs and walk straight to the kitchen, to be see my mom and sister already awake making breakfast.

"Morning y/n sleep well?" My mom asked

"Umm yeah, I just have a headache tho"

"Drink hija"

"Yeah ok"

"Wait where are we?"

"Oh we are at our new house" my mom told me with a smile

"I thought we were moving until next week?"

"Yeah about that..." Elena said

"I thought I still had a week to hang out with Billie. I was supposed to come over today" I said

"Well sometimes things doesn't go as planned" my mom said

I walk away and look for my phone on the table.

"Ma where is my phone?"

"I have it"


"Cause I can have it whenever I want to" she said while glaring at me

"Ok well can I at least text Billie that we moved already and I won't see her today?"


"Why not?"

"Because all you want to do is text billie hang out with billie"

"Mom I hang out with other friends you know that right?"

"Yeah but it's mostly Billie" I hear Elena mumble

"I'm sorry what was that?" I said looking at Elena


I keep looking at her, with a straight face

"Look y/n" I hear my mom say and I turn my attention back to her

"Wait before you start how were we able to move over night? We were literally eating on the couch last night. And here from Seattle is like 17 hours I don't understand how we can do all of that over night. And already have everything moved in the house."

"Listen y/n" my mom said with a strict voice

"Yes ma?"

"Shut up. Yeah you're right we can't do that over night. But you can if you already had everything in the house, and all you need to do is just leave the old house and come to the new house" my mom said while coming closer to me

I slowly walk away while she's coming closer to me until my back was against a wall

"I guess it time to tell you."

"Tell me what" I said quietly also a little scared

"Boo" Elena said making me jump

"Damn you fell for that" she says shaking her head

"You are never going to see Billie ever again ok?" My mom told me

"Wait why she never did anything wrong?" I asked in disbelief

"Well she did one thing wrong"

"Oh yeah and what that ma?"

"Being friends with you"

I just froze... I didn't know what to do....

"What's wrong? Can't handle the truth?"

Wow I never knew how mean and hurtful my mom can be...

"So like I said you are never going to see Billie ever again"

"Ok" I mumbled

"I'm sorry what was that?"

"I said ok" I said a little louder

- so basically they moved down the street and the mom is not letting her daughter see her best friend..... huh what a dick

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