Chapter 9

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-um hello there, it's yo girl dumbass bitch you know what I hate myself enjoy the chapter assholes (why I am so mean today😭)



"Hey baby wake up" I hear my girlfriend say, I've been awake for awhile but I've been keeping my eyes closed.

"Babe if you don't wake imma slap you"

"Damn babe quien orinó en tus copos de maíz?" (Who pissed in your corn flakes) I said with my eyebrows raised.

"I have no idea what you just said but fuck off" she said flipping me off.

Ok who really pissed her off during the flight

"Why are you so mad?"

"I'm not mad"

"Yes you are"

"Just leave me alone ok?"

"Ok- wait why did you wake me up if you don't want to be bothered?"

"I woke you up to give you a drink."

She hands me the drink

"Well thank you now I won't bother you for the rest of the flight"

"An hour and 37 minutes"

"Ok thanks babe" I kissed the side of her head

And I turn my head to look out the window to look at the clouds

When we land at Colorado and got to the hotel I'm definitely going to play in the snow to make a snowman

Katie starts laughing and she puts her head on my shoulder.  I look at her confused "what's so funny?"

"You said that out loud"

"Oh" I said face palming my self

"Aww is y/n embarrassed that she said what she was thinking out loud?" She said with a smirk on her face

"Hahahaha fuck off"

"It's ok baby. We can play in the snow later."

"Really?" I said with a smile

"No." She said making my smile fall

"That's ok.... I didn't even want to play in the snow anyways" I said turning away from her

"Baby I'm playing, but remember we have a few hours to stay at the hotel to take a nap then we have to meet up with the crew."

"To see what we are doing for the next two weeks yeah yeah I know" I said looking out the window while Katie kisses my cheek

She was also humming to a song.

"What are you listening to?" I asked

"Oh this singer, I discovered lately. She's really good at singing."  She said "do you want to listen?" She offered me the earbud

"Sure why not"

"What is the name of the song?" I asked

"It's called I don't want to be you anymore"

"Oh nice, she has a very lovely voice"

Katie looks at me with a glare

"What I can't say her voice sounds lovely?"

I gave her earbuds back

"I see I've made you mad so you listen to music to cal- I mean rel- oof that's not a good one either.... just listen to your music yeah"

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