Chapter 27

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bro when i tell you she had those apple bottom jeans. yk the boots with the fur she had the whole club lookin at her. next thing you know, shawty got low. and i mean low low low



So good news, I'm back on set and I'm able to see all my friends. Right now we are just setting up the set, and I'm in my dressing room  putting my costume on. They are making me wear a red and black suit with my hair down and then they are like going to put some makeup on me and then we are ready to finish the last part of the movie which is the ending credits scene yay.

I stop staring at the fake scar that's going through my eyebrow in the mirror when someone knocks on my door.

"Come in." I said fixing my suit in the mirror.

"yo y/n there's this two guys dressed in all black asking for you in the front." Matt says.

"Shit how'd they find me?" I mumbled.

"What?" Matt said

"I said I'll be there" I said walking out the door forgetting about the face scar on my face.

"Hey gu-" I got cut off by Antonio grabbing my face trying to see the scar more closely.


"What's that shit on your face?" Antonio asked

"Who did that shit to you?" Angel said.

"Was it that guy you have a problem with?" Antonio said.

"Who? q?" I said

"So his name is q. Ok dad I have the name what's next?" Angel said pulling out his phone.

"Did he do that to you to send a message?" Antonio said.

"What dad no. This is makeup for the next scene that I'm in. First of all, how did you guys even find me? And why are y'all even here?" I ask.

"I have my ways." Antonio said. "Listen do you have anywhere we can talk privately?" He said.

"Yo Dave imma be in here for a little while ok?" I said to Dave pointing to an empty office.

"No problem I'll give you a call when we need you." Dave said.

We walk in the office and Angel sits down one of the chairs while me and Antonio stand up.

"So what do we need to talk about?" I ask.

"People are starting to figure out that you are my daughter and which is bad because I can't protect people outside of the gang. Plus we have to keep you being my daughter a secret so that we don't get anyone's hopes up." Antonio says

"So what are you saying? That you want me to join your gang?" I said in disbelief.

"That's exactly what dad is saying." Angel said

"No I'm not doing that. I could lose my whole fucking career if people find out that I'm in a gang." I said.

"You could die if you don't join." Antonio says. "I know it may not seem like it but I loved your mother and I was crushed to find out that she died. I don't want to lose you too." He said.

  "Oh so now you care." I said.

"What the fuck are you talking about y/n? Dad always cared. It's just mom wouldn't let dad come and be your dad because she didn't want for you to be involved in this type of shit." Angel said.

"Listen if you don't want to be in it I understand but at least take this. It matches your suit." Antonio says pulling out a gun from his waistband and placing it on the table.

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