Chapter 8

923 21 3

Im hungry, and horny


I hear my alarm clock going off and this time I turn it off, and get ready to go to the airport.

"Katie" I whispered in her ear

"Baby wake up we have to meet up with the crew at the airport" I head while running my fingers through her hair.

"Come on you can sleep on the plan but right now we have to leave"

I hear Katie's phone ding, meaning she got a text from someone. Who could be texting her at 5 am?

"Who texted you?" I asked her while walking to the closet to put a hoodie on

"It's Matt asking if we are on our way to the airport" she says after yawning

"Well we would be if you get out of bed" I stood in front of the bed

"Alright, alright I'm getting up" I walk over to her to kiss her on her head

Few minutes later

We are waiting line so they can scan our tickets so we can go on the plane

"Bro can they hurry their ass up, I'm tryna play in the damn snow when we get to Colorado" I whispered to myself

Katie started to laugh, and I turned to her

"What are you laughing at?" I said with a confused face

"I heard what you said. Did you know that you are a 5 year old kid stuck in a 21 year old body, and have a humor of a horny teenager?" She said with an amused face

"So I have been told" I told her with a smile "yay we're next"

"You're such a kid" I hear Katie say to herself

Yeah i know......


"Come on q we only have like until 2 to spend time together remember?"

"Oh yeah right" q said getting off his phone.

He's been on the phone a lot lately, like a lot and he's barely giving me any attention. Like what's more important than me bro?

"Come on what do you want to watch?" I said while turning on the tv. I turn to look at q when he didn't answer me.

"You're on the phone again?" I yelled at him

"Babe look I'm sorry"

"You know what no. All I wanted was to spend time with you before you go to Colorado, but nooo you want to be on the damn phone"


"No q, just leave you're going to be late"

"But I still got an hour"

"Go spend it on your phone" I said opening up the door waiting for him to leave

"Can I at least get a kiss?"

As much as I am mad at him, I have too you, I love him and I don't want this to be the last time I see him until he comes back

I kissed him on the cheek

"Bye q"

"Bye Billie love you"

"Mhmm you too"

I closed the door, this is going to be the longest two weeks ever. But on the bright side I get to work on my music with finneas. Yay! I'm so happy! Ugh I want this to be over with.

-a/n: this took me 2 or 3 days to complete because I keep getting distracted 😐 and this is a shitty chapter so fuck me

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