Chapter 16

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2 months later

Even though Katie cheated on me, we are in good terms right now and I'm happy with that, I think I don't know. Some paparazzi got pictures of us going out to dinner (we had to do that so we can give our fanbase something to freak about or something).  Right now I'm going out to get some coffee.

"Katie do you want coffee?" I yelled since she was in the other room.

"Yes please. Thank you y/n!" she yells back.

"Ok!" I said leaving, and going to my car. I drive to my favorite coffee shop and parked where it was a good amount of walking to get to the coffee shop. What there was no more parking spaces.

I get out of my car and I start walking to the coffee shop while using my phone. I get stopped by some paparazzi.

"Como me encontraron" (how did they find me) I said to myself.

"Y/N! Over here!" They guy tried to get my attention and I looked over to them on accident.


"Oh hey bro" I said with a smile on my face.

"Hey man, how it going?" The guy ask while recording me.

"Uhh it's going great." I said like if he isn't recording me.

"Oh great. Hey man I heard that you and Katie broke up" he says.

I just stand there in shock but I'm acting like I'm confused.

"What?" I laughed.

"Yeah there's this rumor that going around saying that you and Katie broke up that's why we haven't seen y'all two together" the guy said.

I just laughed.

"Well no me and Katie are still together, I'm here getting coffee for the both of us actually, but then you stopped me from doing that." I said.

"Well I'll let you get back into you getting your coffee. Thank you for talking to me" the guy said.

"Hey no problem buddy" I said while walking away.

I felt my phone buzz so I took it out and looked down for a second. But then I bumped into someone making them almost dropping their coffee but I was quick enough for that not to happen.

"I am soo sorry I wasn't looking my bad ma'am" I said apologizing while picking up the napkins they had with them, so I wasn't really looking at them.

"It's fine I should've been the one who shoul- y/n?" The person said, making me look up.

I stand up straight and face them.

"Umm do I know you?" I ask the person while handling them the napkins.

"It's drew remember me?" Drew said.

I look at her for a second then I recognized her.

"Omg drew" I said giving her a hug. "How have you been?" I asked.

"I'm doing great how about you?" Drew asked.

"I'm doing better now that I have seen you." I said smiling.

"Hey what happened I thought you moved. Are you visiting?" Drew asked.

"No I live here, I was actually about to get coffee for me and my girlfriend" I said.

"You have a girlfriend?" Drew asked in shock.

"Yes I do" I laughed.

"Wow we really need to catch up. Here give me your phone." Drew said while I gave her my phone.

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