Chapter 18

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Hey I just wanted to say I love you........r mom :)


Few days later


I'm driving to Billie's house because she told me to come over and on the way there I'm on the phone with y/n. We have been talking ever since the meet up.

"Hey sorry if I caused you any trouble if your boss." I said feeling guilty because y/n told me that she can't go out in public for a couple of weeks unless its with Katie. 

"I already told you drew it's not your fault, I just have to wait until the cheating rumors die down" she said while making her a sandwich.

"But I still think-"

"drew it is not your fault. ok?" 

"ok" I said then it was quiet for a while then I remembered something.

"You know since I'm your childhood friend... how come you never told me what movies you are in?" I said while making a turn into Billie's neighborhood.

"Well because you never asked." she said while taking a bite out of her sandwich.

"Touché, but what movies are you in though?" I asked.

"Well I'm in Don't turn around." she said. (if you know the book series "Don't turn around" please be my bestfriend, i need friends)

"Ok well I'll make sure to watch that movie but for right now I have to go. Bye y/n." I said while parking the car in Billie's drive way.

"Ok bye drew."


I'm in my room watching tv with my window open to feel the breeze but then I hear a car being pulled up in my drive way and I see that it's Drew's car. So I run downstairs and open the door when I hear a knock and open the door to see drew standing there. I pull her into a hug.

"I've missed you."  I said while hugging her.

"Billie it's only been a week" she said while letting go of the hug.

"That doesn't mean I don't miss you." I said while giving her a goofy smile.

"OH! I remembered something." I said out of nowhere.

"Did you have to announce it to the whole world?" Drew said while walking to the couch. 

"Yes bitch." I said. 

Drew laughed. "Ok so what did you remember?" Drew asked.

"So I found this amazing actress right, and omg I love her movies." I said. "so today we are watching her movies that she has been in." I said while giving her a smile.

"Ok I'm down what is her name?" Drew asked.

"I know her first name is Katie" I said just standing there with a straight face.

Drew looks like she's thinking of something. "HEY!" I clapped in her face.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR" Drew yelled.


"So what movie are we watching?" Drew asked calmly like if we didn't just yelled at each other. 

"We are watching Run" I said sitting down next to her on the couch, then looked at her and we started laughing.

Few hours later

"Hey I have a movie we can watch next." Drew said.

"Ok put it on." I said while eating the popcorn.

30 minutes into the next movie

"Is that...."

"Yeah that's y/n."

"y/n an actor?"

"Well actress." Drew corrected me.

"Shhh shut up" I said paying more attention to the movie, well to y/n. What I wanna see how good of an actor she is.

1 hour later

"Holy shit" Drew said when we finished the movie.

"Wow" I got up to grab my phone.

"what are you doing?" drew asked.

"I'm going to see if they are making another movie... duh." after i said that I looked at her "don't you dare say it." I pointed at her.

"I'm not, I'm not." she said then she started humming "bad guy" 

I send her a look and she stopped and smiled at me.

"You know I can just call her, and ask" Drew said

"Are you shitting me. You are meaning to tell me that you have y/n number and made me do all this research for nothing?" I asked. "Well what are you waiting for call her."

"Ok ok." Drew pulls out her phone and facetime y/n.

"hey drew whats sup?"

"Well I was wondering if you-"

"Drew if I have to go out in public with you I can't remember? I'm on house arrest, my manager Dave put me on house arrest."

"No its not that" drew said.

I'm just sitting there on the other side of the couch just in awe because y/n sounds so grown up.

"Who are you on the phone with?" I hear an unfamiliar but yet so familiar voice.

"I'm on the phone with drew. Wanna say hi?"

"Sure, hi drew sorry if we could you any trouble with you know the rumors."

"It's fine Katie, no one really came up to me or find anything of mine." Drew said making my head turn to drew whenever she said Katie.

So I tapped her arm and mouth "Katie, as in Katie Williams?" and she nodded. 

"Is there someone next to you drew?"

"Umm" drew looked at me and I panic. I didn't know what to say so left the room and texted drew to ask her to come over. 


I get a text from Billie, after she just left the room and then I asked y/n to come over. 

"sure why not Katie has to go on set anyways, just send me the address and ill be there."

"ok bye." I hung up and texted her Billie's address.


hey.... hey..... how yall doing.

anyways i hoped you like this chapter, in the next chapter y/n and billie are finally going to see each other after 8 long years.

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