Chapter 17

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Don't you ever want to like ghost everyone but that one person?

The next day


"Come on Katie we are going to be late" I said standing at the front door waiting for Katie to get her stuff.

"I'm coming I'm coming" Katie said getting her purse.

I laughed to myself and say under my breath "that's what she said." I chuckle.

"Y/N! STOP I HEARD THAT!" Katie said holding back a smile.

"Oh you know it's funny" I said looking at her with a smile.

She smiles back a me, and then we stayed there smiling at each other like idiots.

"Anyway" I said opening the door while clearing my throat. "Come on let's go." I said walking out the door.

Katie follows me out the door and locks it.

Few minutes later

I parked the car then me and Katie walk into the coffee shop. Once I open the door I see Drew waiting for us.

I nudge Katie getting her attention and I make my way toward Drew who chose the table next to a window.

Drew noticed me walking up to her and she stands up to give me a hug, which gladly accept.

"Hey Drew" I said with a smile.

"Hey y/n" she said smiling back.

"Oh so this is my girlfriend Katie." I said introducing Katie to Drew.

"Hi nice to meet you" Katie said while giving her a hand shake.

"Yeah you too." Drew said.

Then we all sat down on our table and ordered us some coffee and food.

"So omg remember when we were little and we were hanging out then your mom had picked you up but you said something behind her back which led her to hitting you on the head?" Drew said while laughing.

"Omg yes" I said while covering my face in embarrassment.

"Here let's take a picture yeah?" Katie suggested.

"Ok sure" Drew replied.

We took a picture, and Katie close her phone but then she got a phone call. And I saw the contact and it said lover boy <3. I got a little pissed.

She looked at it then she looked at me. I had to put on a face so that way Drew doesn't see that I'm pissed, but Katie gets the hint.

"I think you should take that. It might be important" I said while drinking my coffee.

"Yeah sure" Katie said quietly, while walking toward the restroom.

Then the waiter comes with our food as soon as Katie left.

I looked at Drew for a second.

"What" she smiled and looked at me. "Do I have something on my face?" She said cleaning her face. I laughed.

"No no no you have nothing, it's just.... how long has it been?" I ask.

"Well I think it has been about what 7 or 8 years." She said with a sad smile.

"Wow." I said, making a realization that I just disappeared at out nowhere.

"Speaking of which, what are you up to these days? Since you know that you are a famous actor." drew asked.

"Well right now, nothing, but drew" I say while talking her hand in mine. "I am so sorry I just left you and the whole group like that." I say while giving her a sad smile, but then that smile disappears when she moves her hand from mines.

"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong? I-" I start asking concerned that I had made her uncomfortable.

"No your fine it's just, there's paparazzi outside." drew said keeping her head down so that way they wont take pictures of her.

"Drew I'm so sorry" I say while looking back at the paparazzi.

"It's ok you're fine." drew said.

The paparazzi left as soon as Katie comes back from the restroom.

"Took you long enough." I said looking at her after I had some of my water. Then I gave her a fake smile.

"Sorry it took so long but I have to go." Katie said while getting her things together.

"Seriously?" I said. While drew is watching me and Katie's interaction.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Katie says but we both know she in a rush to be fucked by that fundip lookin ass boy.

"Well who's car are you going to take?" I ask to see how this is going to be played out.

"I ordered an uber, so that way you can have a way to go home." Katie says.

Wow unbelievable I thought.

"Ok" I said. "Well I think this little catch up is over so let me just.... check!" drew said trying to avoid the tension that was created.

Few minutes later.

We walked out of the coffee shop, drew is on my side holding her to-go box.

"Well it was nice to finally see you again." drew said with a smile.

I chuckled, "Yeah. Listen can I hug you?" I asked.

She nodded and said "You don't even have to ask." when she put her arms around me.

We were hugging for a good minute until it was interrupted by my phone ringing. 

I pull away from the hug, and I checked my phone to see it was my manager Dave. "Duty calls. I have to go." I said while putting my phone back into my pocket.

"Oh yeah no problem. I'll seen you later y/n" drew said while turning to walk away.

"See you later" I said. Then I checked my phone because it rang again, it was a message from Dave since I didn't answer his phone call.

We need to talk. And that's what he said.

Well I'm in deep shit  I thought.


hey hey hey I'm back mofos, sorry I've been gone. I had to deal with my recent break up, because I was forced to end the relationship 🥰

Anyways I've also been busy with school, yk. Right now you are talking to a future surgeon 😆

Long story short I'm working on a new chapter for yall. bye :) 

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