Chapter 14

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Hello guys I hope you guys are having a great day/night enjoy the chapter cuz shit about to go down



Two days left until we get to go home. My nose is doing just fine now, it doesn't look bad at all so I glad for that.

Right now I'm on set shooting my last scene for a while, but I'm coming back tho at the end of the end I think.

"Hey y/n it's your last day here bro" Matt says giving me smack on the shoulder.

"I know bro imma miss your stupid ass" I said hitting him in the arm. That turn into us play fighting with each other. And of course Dave is recording it, he said "this should be recorded it's going to be a funny memory in the future" I swear Dave reminds me of someone but I can't put my finger on who he reminds me of.

"Anyways y/n come on you're needed on set" Dave said.

"Ok Dave I'm going, bye Matt" I said giving him a big hug.

"Bye y/n" Matt says letting go of the hug.

You see me and Matt have been close so it was kinda sad that I'm not going to see him for a while. I was friends with almost the whole cast. So I'm going to miss everyone.

"Ok y/n the scene starts off with you laying down on the floor with "blood" running down your head, nose, and mouth, and Jake and Erick that are dressed up in all black and covering their faces so you don't know who they are, they are going to come and grab you but you are too weak to fight them grabbing you. Then they put you in the back of the van and they get in the van to drive off, and that will be the end of the scene until your next part. Ok?" Dave explain to me.

"Yeah sure no problem" I said.

"Ok go get changed and get your fake cuts and blood on you for the scene ok?"

"Alright." I said leaving to get them done.

Few minutes later

The scene:

I lay on the floor blood running down my face, blood everywhere, all over the ground. I so tired and I can't get up off the floor cause of how bad I got my ass kicked. Those mother fuckers came out of nowhere and jumped me and took the one thing that kept me from going insane.

*cough cough*

I started coughing up the blood I was choking on. Crazy how the one thing that helps you be alive can also kill you.

"I have to get up.... in a few minutes" I say to myself when I tried to get up but failed.

Then I look to my right and see two black figures.

"Great. So the one thing that keeps me from going insane wasn't enough for you?" I tell the two figures, but they don't answer. Instead they pick me up. I'm wincing in pain, from getting my ass beat not so long ago, and one of the figures heard me and repositioned themselves so they don't hurt me as much.

"Y'all guys are awfully nice to be to be kidnappers" I said, but they don't answer me. They but me in the back of their van.

"Hey wait guys you got the wrong guy" I said trying to get to up.

"No we got the right person" one of the guys said.

I sit back down in shock, that voice sounds so familiar, why do I know that voice from somewhere?

"Wh-" I was cut off when they close the door. I jerk forward a little meaning that they started driving. Great can this night get any better?

The end of scene

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