Chapter 12

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Hello guys sorry for not updating like I use too, I've been taking breaks from this app, I'm not on it as much anymore soo yeah I'll try working on this story tho



So I'm in a middle of a snow fight with me, Katie, and Matt. I don't know how that happened, it just did. One minute we were walking to set, the next we started throwing snowballs at each other.

You might be wondering "why haven't your boss come to stop you?". I'll tell you why, because he is recording us.

He told us to continue what we were doing and that the video will be on the bloopers videos. So yeah we are just having fun with the snow.

"Alright that's enough guys, we have to starts filming now." I hear Dave say

"Alright" I answer back at him and stopped throwing snowballs. I was going to walk away when I got hit with a snowball on my back. I slowly turned around.

"Y/N don't, go to your trailer and get changed to your outfit for this next scene" Dave said while pushing me to the way of my trailer.

"Alright Dave I'm going" I say putting my hands up in surrender.

I walk to my trailer to see what I have to wear. Bro... this shit... omg they expect me to go out in the cold with some black jeans, a white tee shirt, and a leather jacket. Whatever this is what I get for being an actor am I right?

I walk on set, when the scene starts, it's starts inside then I have to go outside.... great.

"Ok y/n what you have to do is eat the food that on the table" he points to the table with the food on it.

"Then when you hear the knock on the door, look confused, and bring your "gun" with you to the door to see who it is. Then we will see what we can work with." Dave explained to me what to do.

Couple minutes later

"CUT" Dave yells

I stopped doing what I was doing

"That's great I think I have enough footage for your part today" Dave said

I gave him a thumbs up and walked off set. I was walking to my trailer to go and change but I was pulled in a different direction by Katie.

"Can I help you?" I ask Katie

"I want how your day went?" She looks at me with a smile.

"Babe I appreciate how you want to know how my day went but can I at least get out of these clothes and change back to my regular clothes?" I said grabbing her face and kissing her on her forehead.

"Ok fine don't take long though." She said looking at me with a serious but playful face.

"Makes me want to take even longer just cuz you said something" I said with a smirk.

"Fuck you" Katie laughs

"You wish" I walk heading to my trailer.

I was walking to my trailer when I was stopped... again.

"Yo y/n." Matt says


"Do you know a dude name Billy?" He says

"Umm no I don't know a guy named Billy." I said

"Oh ok thanks for the help I guess." He says walking away.

"Yeah no problem" I said finally able to get into my trailer without being stopped.

It takes a couple minutes to change back into my regular clothes. When I was doing that I heard the song that Katie showed me when we are on the plane, playing on the speakers somewhere in this building.

I start listening to the song, while I'm putting my shirt on. I pull out my phone to Shazam the song but a knock on the trailer door stops me.

"Who is it?" I yell for them to hear me on the other side.

"It's me, Katie can I open up the door?"

"Umm yeah sure" I say and then I see Katie walk in.

"What can I do for you love?" I ask

"I was wondering how filming was since you know we work in different buildings and sets" she tells me

"Umm it went great. I just finished the part where I or should I say Alexa gets an unexpected visit from an old buddy" I said "what part did you work on?"

"The part I worked on was when Sarah finds out that Alexa knows what happened to her brother"

"Oh so we are close to working with each other" I said smiling.

"We already working together what do you mean?"

"Noo I meant like us acting in the same room."

"Oh ok."

"Huh I just realized we only work in the same building and not actually work together together." I said.

"Omg you're right"  Katie said looking at me surprised. "How come I never noticed that?"

"Don't know" I said looking at her

maybe if you weren't on the damn phone all the time and you would've noticed but nooo you have your head stuck up in your ass to even notice you selfish bitch

I thought

"Woah" I said

"What?" Katie said

"Oh nothing it's just- never mind you ready to go back to the hotel?" I asked

"Umm no I think they still need me" she says

"Ok bye I'll see you later" I said walking away

"Y/N! Wait" Katie says stopping me from opening up the door of the trailer

"Yes?" I said still looking at the door

"You didn't give me a kiss goodbye" Katie says

Bitch I'm seeing you later I don't have to kiss you goodbye tf

I thought

I turned around and gave Katie a kiss on the head

"Later" I said walking out the trailer and slamming the door.

Why am I being such a dick to everyone today? I'm probably just tired or something i don't know, but something is wrong with me, Imma take a nap and hopefully I'll be better.

Few hours later

I wake up from my nap and guess what. I get a fuckin headache. I wake up to a fuckin headache bro. I take naps to feel better not make me feel like shit.

I feel someone staring at me, so I look at who's staring at me and it's Katie.

"Hey babe when did you get here?" I said getting up to get some Tylenol.

"I got here around 3" she says

"Omg" I said

"What?" Katie asked

"I came here around 1 took a nap and now it's 5 pm" I said.

"Wow you must of been tired if you slept for 4 hours" Katie said while grabbing my face and rubbing her thumbs on my cheek.

"Yeah I guess so... I'm sorry by the way." I said

"For what?" Katie said looking at me confused.

"If I was being a dick to you, I don't know why I but I was just in a bad mood the whole day" I said.

"It's fine babe. We all have our bad days" she told me.

I looked at her, then I looked at her lips then back at her.

She notices and kiss me. Let's just say that we got off track on what we were doing.

- a/n: man I suck at updating this shit. This took me like 3 or 4 fuckin days to complete. And my gf has is mad at me for no reason so that's why I'm moody rn. Anyways I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and see you in the next 👋

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