Chapter 26

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Hi i have a question if you don't mind me asking... how did you find this story?



Right now I'm in public just drinking my coffee at this little coffee shop waiting for no one just doing some work. Then out of nowhere someone decides to join me, I look up to see who it is and it's Angel... my brother I met 2 weeks ago. We started to get to know each other when he called me the first time after we met, and surprisingly we get along pretty well. I can't say the same for me and Elena but it's whatever.

"Hey sis" He said drinking his coffee.

"Bold of you to visit me in public. Shouldn't you be like in the shadows hiding from any possible danger?" I ask.

"Bold of you to assume that I would hide because of danger." he said

"Well are you?" I ask

"Nah, dad is very scary person so other people know not to hurt me or even look at me." He said. "Speaking of hiding... shouldn't you be hiding from the paparazzi? I mean you are in public as well." He ask.

"You wanna know what the weirdest thing about being famous is?" I ask.

"Sure tell me big sis." He said getting closer.

"They only come around whenever you are with someone. Think about it, whenever I'm alone by myself I don't see any paparazzi maybe a few but like i never see them. But when I have company they come. Like right now here they come." I say pointing to them in the distance making him turn his head to see them and he nods.

"Woah, that must be annoying huh?" Angel ask. "I mean what's like being famous?" He ask now resting his face on his knuckles looking at me like a little kid. I mean he is only 18.

"Well you have your up and downs , but other than that it's the most amazing. You have fans to back you up on anything you get a lot of support from around the world.... it crazy." I said.

"But?" Angel said.

"People try to bring you down on the internet, they start rumors that could fuck up your reputation and your career." I said.

"Wow shits crazy huh?" he said.

"Yup, hey listen you wanna get out of here? Maybe go to the mall or something to get to know each other a little more?" I ask wanting to know my brother a little better.

"I would love to but es solo que papá quiere que lo ayude con algunos asuntos y eso siempre ocupa todo el día, tal vez la próxima vez" he said. (its just dad wants me to help him with some business and that always takes up the whole day maybe next time)

"Oh ok está bien. Well I have to go my friend wants me to be in a video with her. And hey ten cuidado ahí fuera ok?" i said getting up and putting my hand on his shoulder. (be careful out there)

"Siempre soy cuidadoso" he said putting his hand on my hand which causes me to smile at him. (i'm always careful)

"hasta la próxima vez más tarde hermano" I said walking away and getting into my car. (until next time later bro)

I call Claudia telling her that I was on my way. I smile to myself when  Claudia tells me that Billie is also there. Me and Billie got even more closer with each other as if that's even possible. We text each other almost everyday, but lately we haven't because we are busy.

I get to Claudia and Finneas house and I knocked on the door, waiting for someone to open it.

"Heyyy finny boy." I said to Finneas when he opened the door which made him laugh.

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