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13 stood before his father and his aunt.

Maryland, Massachusetts, and Rhode island stood behind him. They had met Massachusetts earlier, when he had fallen down from the roof of Rhode island's cabin.

Massachusetts was a short state with an unusually high temper. He tried to bite Rhode when he first saw him, and it took Maryland and 13 all their strength to stop them from fighting.

Britain slapped Maryland's hand away, and touched one of the stars floating around 13's head.

"What happened to your flag?"

13 looked away.

"I don't know."

Britain grabbed his son by the shoulders, pushing France deeper into the wall. 

"We are going to have a long talk tomorrow. Right now, we'll go to bed."

Britain's grip softened, and he retreated from the hallway- and then he let out a shriek. 

"Bloody hell!"

His father examined his foot. Something shiny had become embedded into it.

France rubbed the shoulder that had been shoved into the wall, and grabbed the shiny thing from him. 

"I'll take this, thank you very much."

She shoved past him in a rude manner and ascended the staircase.

Britain hobbled up the stairs after her.

"Where do we sleep?" The question from Maryland was little more than a whisper.

"We have two couches in the living room."

"Oh. Okay, I guess that's alright."

Maryland made herself comfortable on the first couch, and Massachusetts was not slow to claim the other one.

Rhode island sat down on a chair, and 13 lay down on the floor.

"13, aren't you going to sleep in your room?"

Maryland's question had a slight echo in the house. 

"I'd rather sleep in the living room, where you all are." 

His state nodded, and lay down. Massachusetts already looked like he was asleep, and Rhode was drifting off rather quickly.

13 closed his eyes, and opened them to a field of blood.

The scent of gunpowder was thick in the air. In his own hands, he held a rifle.


He turned around to find a girl in a military uniform, with a flag that looked like the dixie flag on her face, and a blue stripe on the left with one white circle.

"America! We're losing the battle. Should we retreat?"

13 paused. The girl was talking to him, yet he didn't recognize the name America.

"No... we'll fight those damned redcoats or die."

Massachusetts's voice was the one who replied to the question. He had a bandage over his left eye, and was bleeding from a would on his chest. He seemed more mature.

13 surveyed his surroundings. He could see Rhode island taking on a circle of red-coated soldiers with two other states.


"Yes, America?"

He paused at the sound of the name that did not belong to him.

"Where's Maryland?"

Soft blue skies (countryhumans revolutionary war)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora