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Canada stood outside in the early morning sun, fishing through the mailbox for any letters. 

Not just any letters. He was expecting a letter from the Netherlands.

He sighed, as the red metal box was empty once again.

Canada walked back inside. The living room was empty, and there was no sight of 13, or his states.

In fact, the whole house seemed empty.

He walked upstairs, and checked 13's room.

No sign of Acadia.

Canada peeked behind the guest room door, but there was no trace of his mother.

He descended the stairs, and then something caught his eye.

One letter. At his place at the table.

Canada ran up to the table, and picked up the letter in his rough hands.

"It's from Neth..."

He could feel his heart trying to kill him. Canada opened the letter with care.

My dearest Canada...

I am writing this from the pier in New York City, where I wait to sail back home. A few hours ago, I saw a man wearing a raccoon tail hat, and it reminded me of you.

"He's thinking of me!"

Canada walked upstairs, and flopped down on his bed. He tried to slow his breathing.

Almost everything reminds me of you. The lanterns that pierce through the fog are akin to your glowing golden eyes, which happen to be the prettiest I've ever seen.

"Neth thinks I'm pretty!" 

Canada felt like his heart would beat right out of his chest.

Even though the time we spent was but an hour, it might as well have been a lifetime to me. I would love to spend a lifetime with you, and only you. I could spend years with my eyes on you, watching your movements and taking in all your beauty.

"He would love to spend his life with me."

This was too much for Canada. He rolled off of his bed, and fell onto the floor with a loud thud.

It hurt. But he was so happy that he completely ignored the pain, and sat up.


He looked up. Confederate was standing in the doorway, looking at Canada with confusion.

"Oh hey, Confederate."

"Who's the letter from?"


He trailed off. He would get in trouble if anyone found out, and so would Neth.

"It's from Quebec."

"Oh, Okay. Why does your face look so... so red?"

"I might just be having some more pollen allergies."

"Makes sense."

Confederate spun on his heel, and walked down the stairs. Canada began to read again.

Even though by the time you are reading this letter we will be a very long distance apart from each other, I will want you by my side through all the time.

"He wants me by his side. All the time."

His heart pounded at a rate that could shatter diamonds. A blush the shade of roses crept up onto his cheeks and ears.

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