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America watched as Massachusetts threw a tea leaf against the wall.

"Those are very expensive!"

"Don't tell me what to do!"

Massachusetts was going insane, it seemed. 

He was wearing a native-style headdress, and wasn't wearing a shirt or shoes.

 In the house, there were now twelve states.

They had all showed up after Philippines was born. 

Vermont had sent Georgia to deliver the baby to Spain, who was currently with Mexico down south.

It was the fifth of September in 1774.

He had earlier called a meeting of all the states currently at home. Nobody except for Massachusetts and Confederate had showed up.

"So sorry we're late!"

Virginia was struggling to draw New Hampshire, New York, and New Jersey out of bed and down the stairs.

"Actually, you're on time."

The rest of the states were arguing with each other as they came through the door.

Vermont was escorting them in.

"Alright, folks."

The sound of America's voice hushed the others.

"We need a plan to get Britain out of here."

"Let's commit arson!" Delaware squeaked.


"Let's put him in a tree!" Suggested New York.

"What kind of a plan is that?"

"Let's try to repair our relationship with him, while becoming more independent," Vermont said. 

"That..." America trailed off. "That's actually a good idea."

"That way we can maintain trade with him, and still be independent."

America nodded. "Does anyone else have any ideas?"

"Let's invade Canada!" Massachusetts suggested rather eagerly.

"Why would you want to do that?" Vermont asked

"Because Canada is very french, and he therefore hates Britain. We can get him to help us, and he can revolt against Britain too!"

"Excellent idea!" Confederate patted Massachusetts on the back.

Massachusetts beamed in pride.

"So... what's our plan? Are we going to invade Canada, or try to repair our relationship with Britain?" Vermont seemed confused.

"We'll try to repair our relationship with Britain first, and if that doesn't work, then we'll take Canada and free him." America explained.

"Seems good to me," She agreed.

"We should start by sending him a petition," Delaware suggested.

The noises of the various states agreeing filled the room.

"It shall be a petition that we will all sign!"

"It shall be a petition that we will all sign!"

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