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(WARNING: The first half of this chapter contains themes of domestic violence. You have been warned.)

Britain watched as his son slammed the door on his way out. 

His fists clenched.

"Such disrespect for me..."

On top of all the chaos, he now knew that he had yet another  daughter.


He turned around to find Tondo standing behind him. 

Her snow-white hand rested on his shoulder. 

The look in her different coloured eyes was a look of genuine concern.

Britain frowned at her, and struck Tondo across the cheek.

Tondo fell back into the couch. 

The teapot she was holding shattered, and it's contents spilled where the broken pot lay.

She gasped, holding a hand to her face.

A small tear formed in her eye, and a bruise began to form on her face.

"Don't touch me, Tondo. Now get up and clean up the mess you made."

Britain hissed at her. 

She nodded slightly, and let the tears spill out of her beautiful eyes.

Britain felt no remorse for the woman who carried his child.

"You'd better give me a son to carry my name, or else."

"Yes, sir."

Britain retreated up the stairs to his room, and closed the door.

His mind was filled with thoughts of his other children. 

He missed Canada most of all. His oldest son respected and loved him.

He wasn't really around for Acadia, and they couldn't communicate with each other.

Australia was a very weird young man. But nonetheless, he shared a bond with his father.

New Zealand was a good girl. She was usually quiet, and didn't talk with Britain much.

Britain didn't know Tonga or Fiji well, but they were polite to him.

Malaysia and Brunei were Bruneian empire's children. They loved their father very much.

Then he remembered 13- no wait, United States of America, and Confederate States of America.

They loved Spain more than they loved Britain. 

"Stupid Spain..."

The woman he used to love had no place in his heart now.

"She ruined my marriage!"

He threw a small jar of ink at the wall. 

It shattered, just like the teapot.

"She's the reason that Canada got taken away, and Acadia doesn't speak english!"

Britain took his rage out on the blank papers lining his desk. 

He tore them up, and the scraps fell to the floor.

"She's the reason that America and Confederate left!"

He thrust his fist into the wall, creating a dent.

It hurt him more than it hurt the wall.

But he didn't mind.

"She's the reason that I don't know Vermont!"

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