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Britain fidgeted with the splinter in his left thumb, which stood out against the dark blue of his skin.

He had obtained it when he punched a wall earlier. He got off worse than the wall.

"Wales! Scotland! Come see me in my office on the third floor!" Britain called in an angry tone.

He turned his back on the door, facing the wide window and taking in the sights while he waited.

There wasn't much to see from his perch in the mansion. Just the sight of Isle of Man nearly getting her head bitten off by a bitter mule.

"We're here!" Scotland hollered, followed by the sound of a whump.

"And we're stuck." Wales sighed.

"You... what?" Britain turned around to find both ladies with their petticoats stuck in the door.

"We tried to get in at the same time," The dragon-winged country explained while pinching the bridge of her nose.

He kicked over a stool in a fit of rage. 

"How do you two manage to get into these situations?" He spat.

Scotland shrugged.

"Ireland! England! Get over here!" He howled, picking the stool up and putting it back in it's place.

A crash echoed from the floor above. 

Part of the ceiling fell away. Ireland was left in the remains.

"Hey boss," He chuckled in a nervous voice.

Britain groaned, kicking the stool over again.

"Where's England?" Britain asked.

"He's flirting with a white and gold haired lass on the front steps." Scotland answered.

Wales rolled her eyes. "Nobody asked you."

His eyes widened.

"France is here?" He asked.

"No," Scotland shook her head. "Her boobs aren't nearly as big. She's rather flat."

"Thank you for that useless piece of information, Scotland." He groaned, picking the stool back up.

"I think it is France." Ireland remarked, looking out the window.

In a blind rage, Britain threw the stool out of the window. It hit England in the back of the head.

Now that he saw her face more clearly, he knew he had seen her before, but he couldn't recognize her.

"Never mind. I think that's France Antarctique." Ireland said.

"Who?" Britain asked.

"I thought she died in fifteen sixty seven." Wales remarked.

"She must still be alive." Scotland deducted. "But why would she be here?"

"France must be here too. She drags around her children like they're her servants," Ireland answered.

"Back on topic." Britain hissed as he slammed his palms down on his desk. "What are we going to do with-"

He paused.

The sound of screeching echoed from down the hall.

Suddenly, an unknown group of countries stampeded down the hall.

He recognized three of them, Rhode Island, Maryland, and Massachusetts.

"GET BRITAIN!" Massachusetts called as they ran right past Britain's office, not noticing that he was inside.

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