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Virginia returned home from shopping, and opened the door to a dankish hellhole.

Massachusetts was wearing a native american headdress and ranting about taxes to Delaware as he paced around the living room. Delaware was writing down the words of Massachusetts quickly.

Maryland was still tied to the ceiling. She had been the guinea pig of the anti-Britain trap.

"Oh lord..."

"Hey, Virginia." Maryland announced the presence of her fellow state.


Virginia screeched as Caro and Lina threw a weighted net over her, pinning her to the ground.

"Calm down! It is just me!"

"Sorry, Ginny!"

Virginia sighed at the sound of her nickname.

"I'll need help putting the groceries away."

Massachusetts stepped forwards.

"From somebody who is not  Massachusetts."

 Massachusetts stepped back.

"I'll help," Delaware offered.

"Okay," Virginia nodded. "You can take the second bag by the door."

"Red alert! RED ALERT!"

The call came from up above. Rhode island was frantically calling.

"A redcoat!"

Red alert meant that either a redcoat, or Vermont was coming.

Orange alert meant that America, or Confederate was coming.

Yellow alert meant that something or someone had escaped.

Massachusetts, Caro, and Lina shrieked and ran upstairs.

Maryland wriggled out of the anti-Britain trap and fell to the floor. She ran to the cellar.

Delaware hid behind the door.

Virginia decided that now was a good time to become a plant.

"O's there?"

A country that she recognized as Ireland walked through the door.

"I'm taking advantage of the quartering act. I'm gonna stay here."

Delaware screeched, and slapped Ireland on the shoulder.

Ireland fell into the potted plant that Virginia was hiding behind. 


Caro and Lina screeched. In their hands, the wielded skillets. 

They were supposed to be holding knives, but Vermont had hidden them before she left out of fear that they would get hurt.

Ireland was too confused to react. He got bashed in the nose twice.

"Ireland! Urr ye okay?"

Scotland stepped out from behind the door, with Wales beside him.

"I don't feel so good, Mistress Scotland..."

Wales grabbed on to Caro's coat.

"I don't wanna go!" Screeched the state.

Caro dropped her frying pan, and sank her teeth into Wales's hand.

Wales slapped Caro on the back of her neck. Caro fell limp.

Massachusetts came downstairs, musket in hand.

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