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"Hey. Hey Confederate, wake up."

America sighed as his brother pushed him away.

He had been trying to wake him up for the last ten minutes.

"N-No... I don't wanna wake up."

Confederate rolled over, kicking America off of his bed.

"I'll buy you some more whiske-"

His brother jolted upright immediately.

"You'd better buy me that whiskey, America." 

America smiled at his brother.

"I'll buy you an entire case if you want." 


"Just for you. I'll put Maryland on guard duty to make sure that Massachusetts doesn't get into the whiskey again."

Confederate stood up, quickly walking out of his and his brother's shared room in a good mood.

America followed him, but he was stopped at the door.


Virginia's strong hand placed on his shoulder kept him from moving forwards.

"Oh hey, Virginia."

"The case won't last him a week, you know."

America pondered her statement for a moment.

"Well, we'll be okay,  I guess. We'll probably both get drunk tonight."

She tightened her grip. America's normally calm expression twisted in agony.

"Virginia, you're-"

"You're not getting drunk, America."

"But why?"

A small crack could be heard as she pulled the colony closer towards her.

He whimpered in pain, but the emotions she showed were serious and didn't notice the pain that she caused.

 "You have states. Responsibilities, America. You're smart enough to know that they're all yours, and you need to set a good example for us"

America nodded.

"We'll go over to Lexington today. I'll pick up some more kitchen supplies for you, okay?"


She released her grip on his shoulder, and America ran down the stairs, rubbing the spot where she had cracked something.

It hurt.


He walked over to his brother, who was standing by the front door.


"It's four AM, do you think the stores will even be open?" 

"They'll be open, of course. Why wouldn't they be?"

"Because it's an ungodly hour?"

"It's not Sunday, Confederate. It's Wednesday, April nineteenth."

"I thought it was the twentieth."

"You're wrong. Let's go now."

The brothers noticed that two of the horses was missing. 

"Where'd Daisy and Millie go?" Confederate asked.

"If I remember correctly, Vermont took Millie to Concord for some seeds."

"And what happened to Daisy?"

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