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The Netherlands woke up in a very good mood.

Last night, Canada had kissed him until he was on the brink of suffocation.

Neth changed into his clothes. They were rather formal, especially at eight in the morning.

He opened the door. Down the hallway, he could see Canada walking side by side with Prussia.

Their arms were linked.

Neth felt a pang of jealousy in his stomach.

As he walked along the lavish hallways of the Prussian Palace, he hoped that Canada didn't really love Prussia.

If he loved Prussia, then he couldn't love him. Neth wanted Canada's love more than anything in this world.

He looked at the two of them, happily chatting away.

Maybe he and Canada weren't meant to be together?


A female voice echoed from behind him. Acadia was talking to him.

"Oh hey, Acadia. How'd you sleep?"

"I slept well!" The former colony giggled.

Neth smiled. Her good mood seemed to be rubbing off on him.

They entered the main dining room. Their breakfast already awaited them.

"Good morning, Neth."

Spain smiled slightly at him. Neth's face turned back to a frown.

Spain had abused him and his people so much when he was under her control. She had assumed parental ownership of him after she killed his mother.

Both Spain and Portugal seemed to hate Neth, and for good reasons. 

Portugal hated him because when Neth told Spain that Portugal had a secret daughter, Indonesia, they had gotten into a brutal fight. 

Spain hated him because he knew her secret, the fact that she had 13 and Confederate. 

"Hello, Spain."

Neth surveyed his surroundings. Everyone was here, except for Russia. 

Speaking of Russia, he came rushing down to the dining room with his coat on backwards.

He was rapidly cursing under his breath in Russian. Prussia, the only other person here who spoke Russian, was horrified.

"Россия, cледи за языком!" (Russia, watch your language!) Prussia slapped him across the face.

"Извините, Пруссия." (sorry, Prussia.) The Russian apologized.

Neth smiled. 

"Neth! There you are."

He turned around to see Canada, and smiled even more.

"I was wondering if after breakfast, you'd like to come on a walk with me?"

Neth nodded. "I'd love that."

The breakfast hour was filled with light chatter, and it passed quickly. 

Neth was focused on Prussia, however. There seemed to be something wrong with her back. It looked bulky, like she was hiding something.

He went to meet Canada at the main entrance, the rendezvous point.

The Canadian was already there.

Neth ran up to Canada.

"Hey, Neth."

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