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13 lay down in the backyard of Vermont's countryside house, just outside of New York.

He and his states had been staying there since the events of the Boston tea party. They feared that they would be hurt if they went back to Britain's house. 

Confederate lay next to him, like they did when they were kids.

In the three months that they were gone, another state had showed up.

Delaware had light blue skin with a yellow diamond in the middle of his face. He hated Rhode island for whatever reason, and got along well with Massachusetts.

"13! Where are you?"

Vermont's voice echoed through the house. 13 sat up, picking a small scrap of moss out of his blue hair.

"Hmm?" Confederate opened one eye.

13 patted his brother on the head. "Vermont's calling me. I'll go see her, you stay here."

Confederate nodded. 

He stood up, brushing the dirt off of his clothes. 13 trudged inside, making sure to dodge the peony bushes carefully cultivated by Vermont.

"Hello, 13."

His younger half-sister smiled at him. She carried two bags of food in her hands.

"Vermont! There you are."

13 smiled in response.

"Britain's passing a new act today."

He groaned. Nobody liked the laws, except for Britain.

"What's it about?"

"He's closing the Boston harbour until we've paid for the tea."

13's fists clenched.

"I'll kill him for these taxes, Vermont. I'll avenge the lives in the Boston massacre."

Vermont smiled and sighed.

"Maybe we can get France to help us. She hates Britain."

Suddenly, screeching echoed from the upper floor.

"Great Scott," she remarked.

The two of them raced upstairs to find Delaware's left foot tied to his head, and his right foot was in a bucket. Rhode was hanging from a rope on the ceiling.

"I won't tell them if you won't," Rhode whispered to Delaware.


Vermont sighed and went to get something to cut Delaware free with. Massachusetts's voice could be heard from the closet.

"Are they gone?"

Rhode giggled. "Yes."

Massachusetts emerged from the closet, covered in chicken feathers.

"We were creating a super-weapon to kill Britain with," Massachusetts explained.

13 sighed.

"I have no idea what any of you are doing, but you need to stop being weirdos."

He walked over to Delaware, and began to separate his foot and his face.

13 struggled for a minute, until Vermont came up behind him and ripped the ropes open with her bare hands.

He looked at his half-sister in awe. Her hands were so soft and fragile-looking, but she could tear your head off if she tried.

A thud echoed from Rhode's direction. 

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