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Confederate sat under the willow tree on Vermont's lawn, flipping through the pages of his book. He cared not for it, but was so bored that he was reading the book.

"Boo!" America hissed, dropping down from a branch above him, hanging by his legs.

Confederate screeched, tossing the book at America's head.

In response, America cursed softly and fell out of the tree.

"Oh my gosh America, I'm so sorry! I thought you were Massachusetts! Are you okay?" Confederate interrogated, picking the book up.

"I'm fine. Have you seen Vermont?" He asked.

"No..." Confederate sighed.

It was the seventeenth of May in the year 1775, eighteen days after they had helped him escape from the dungeon in Britain's mansion, and one long month after the events at Lexington and Concord.

Eight days since they had lost Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, and Vermont.

They were all devastated, except for Delaware. He was overjoyed at the news that they had gotten rid of Rhode Island.

Massachusetts had gone missing as well, four days ago. Alas, nobody cared. They figured he was somewhere in town.

"I miss Vermont." Confederate muttered, pulling his knees to his chest. "I feel like it's my fault that I got her lost somewhere."

"Don't worry, brother." America said with a half-smile, made purely for comforting his brother. "We'll find her eventually, and she'll come back and be alright."

"Yeah..." He trailed off, his focus diverting to a getting a leaf out of America's hair.

A screeching could be heard far off in the distance.

It was quiet, but Confederate could hear it. 

He had a stronger sense of hearing than America, and America had the stronger sense of sight.

He turned his head towards the direction of the sound.

"What is it?" America asked, puzzled.

"Shh." Confederate put one hand over America's mouth. "It sounds like... screeching."

America looked in the same direction.

"Hold up..." America shoved Confederate's hand away. "I think that's Massachusetts."

The brothers stood up. Confederate climbed the tree to get a better view of the screaming colony.

He appeared to have gotten better clothes from somewhere, and was being chased by one of the redcoats. From the sight of it, he guessed it was England.

Massachusetts was getting closer. Confederate could see all the details on his flag at this point.

"CONFEDERATE!" The colony waved at him, running over to him.

"What are you doing?" America hollered.

"Stop him!" England ordered.

Massachusetts wailed, quickly ascending the branches of the tree.

"He's evading arrest! Send him down!" The Englishman hissed. 

"Confederate, oh my gosh!" Massachusetts panted. "There was a battle, and we lost, but I saw my life flash before my eyes! I now know my destiny!"

"Slow down," Confederate sighed, resting a hand on Massachusetts's shoulder.

"My destiny..." Massachusetts paused. "Is to rid the world of redcoats! Make their coats red with blood!"

"Their coats are already red, though." He pointed out.

"Nobody asked!" The colony hissed, picking an apple from the tree.

"Send him down now, I say!" England barked.

"Nobody cares!" Massachusetts threw the apple at England's face, hitting him square in the nose. "I will steal your teeth and boil them in horse urine!"

England yelped, dropping his musket.

"What the hell, Massachusetts?" Maryland called from the porch. The other colonies surrounded her.

Massachusetts chuckled like the madman he was.

"He deserves it!" Massachusetts cackled.

Confederate could hear America muttering something angrily under his breath.

"Colonies!" America bellowed. "Seize England!"

The colonies hollered, rushing over in a format that Confederate could only compare to a pack of wild animals.

"There's no way this is going to go well," America sighed.

England easily outran the horde, vanishing into the bushes at a quick speed.

North Carolina stopped in her tracks. The others crashed into her, creating one of the most horrid sounds in existence as they all tumbled to the grassy carpet of the earth.

Confederate covered his ears with so much force that he thought he would shatter his own skull. 

"Ouch..." He whispered, tears pricking one of his red eyes.

"Are you okay?" America asked from below.

"Yeah." Confederate sighed. "It's fine."

"Should we still get him?" Maryland called. "Or are we going to let him leave?"

Confederate watched America ponder his decisions.

His twin had gotten stronger, faster, and more serious when it came to the revolution in the past months. He was finally becoming more mature, while Confederate was shy and quiet as always.

"No." America replied, in a confident tone. "He won't be of any use to us. He'll only eat our food and take up space in this already small house."

The colonies scrambled back over to them, moving in a big mass of filthy uncoordinated slobs.

They seemed to move as one and breathe as one. 

It was unnatural, and it didn't put him at ease. 

The only colonies Confederate actually liked were Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia. They seemed to be more obedient of him than America.

"So, Massachusetts." America started. "Tell me more of this battle, please."


Scotland panted heavily as she knelt on the battlefield.

She knelt over Wales, who had taken a patriot bullet in her left wing.

"It's okay, Wales." Scotland comforted, picking at the hole it had left in the web. 

It wouldn't do any long-term damage to her. It wouldn't slow down her flight, but it would hurt the nerve-rich area.

Wales groaned.

"Did..." She trailed off. "Did you see the way they moved, Scotland? They moved like they..."

The dragon-winged country was cut off.

"Shush. You need to preserve your strength, Wales." Scotland placed one finger over her lips, ceasing the speaking.

Wales batted Scotland's finger away. "They moved like- like an army. Like a proper, well-trained, army."

"What of it?" She whispered.

"They're stronger than we thought!" Wales burst. "We're going to be fighting a war against these colonies for a long time! Imagine the cost of lives here!"

"No way!" Scotland denied. "We'll win this war faster than you can spell dìochuimhnicheadh backwards!"

"But Scotland..." She started. "They're not rogues, like we thought them to be. These are trained soldiers we're seeing here."

"You're just crazy from the pain." Scotland sighed. "Making up nonsense like that, you'll scare our soldiers."

Scotland bit back the fact that what Wales said was completely true.

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